Wednesday, April 1, 2015

April 1st

This is April fool’s day; a day to play silly tricks on your friends and to be careful opening unexpected packages, there might be kids hiding in the bushes ready to laugh at your gullibility. Cal Thomas has a column in today’s paper. (It’s not an April fool’s joke, at least not according to Cal. You might see it differently.) He has very little new to say, nothing really, but he has an obligation to put something on paper, so he does what he is generously paid to do; he attacks Hillary  Clinton’s email policy….again!

Cal uses about six column inches constructing a parody of Clinton’s presumed email difficulties using lines from “The Sound of Music” This silliness does fill some necessary space but his theme is just a regurgitation of the usual criticisms:  Hillary claims she has wiped her server clean but he says we can’t believe her. He reminds us that Lois Lerner claimed her emails were lost but then it turns out they weren’t. Apparently if Lois Lerner’s emails could be found, why then, so could Hillary’s. (If Uncle Willy choked on a peanut don’t let peanuts into your house!) Legal training might have helped him avoid this logical lapse though, frankly, I doubt if anything could have helped him.

He goes on to tell us that, “If Hillary Clinton has nothing to hide she will turn over her server.” I’m surprised that Cal hasn’t called for a forensic examiner to give Hillary a lie detector test. He probably hasn’t thought of that possibility. Isn’t the old, “If you have nothing to hide you won’t mind….” just what the famed alcoholic Republican Senator Joe McCarthy from Wisconsin said when trying to get suspects to testify before his committee? I guess Republican methodologies never die no matter how abusive they are.

He cites Dick Morris a former Clinton helper and now a Clinton hater on the Clinton’s typing skills which Morris claims were minimal. He suggests that Clinton aides probably wrote most of the emails and therefore Cal now believes their emails should “also be subpoenaed for examination.” If this keeps up we’ll have Congress spending most of its time going over Clinton’s emails, then Clinton aide’s emails, then friends of Clinton aide’s emails, ad nauseum. (Dick Morris a very prominent Clinton hater. His forecast for the last election had the privilege of being judged worse than that of any other pundit. It was so bad that apparently Fox News dropped him for a time, such was his loss of credibility.)

It is obvious to Cal Thomas that concealing emails disqualifies one from the Presidency. The Benghazi affair killed all of four Americans and that is truly lamentable;  but the  unnecessary Iraq war, trumped up by Bush-Cheney, killed well over four thousand Americans. So who are the Republicans going after?



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