Wednesday, April 29, 2015

April 29th

There was no detritus yesterday because there were no right wing columnists making fools of themselves in the morning paper. The same thing is true today so to keep my skewering skills in shape I have gone afield to a Fox News columnist who never disappoints. (What, never…well, hardly ever!) We have Dr. Charles Krauthammer who today has discussed, admittedly very briefly, the failure of leadership in Baltimore.

Last night the city was relatively quiet compared with the night before and that’s the night Krauthammer was talking about. There certainly was a lot of destruction and, of course all that’s the mayor’s fault, according to Krauthammer. Then if you read the comments from Fox readers about Krauthammer’s remarks you get a nauseating picture of how these Fox people think. Think is the wrong word; maybe parrot is the right word. The root cause according to Fox supporters is that blacks are unfit to govern themselves and the riots are really the result of the Obama Presidency. Obama is black, you see, and the rioters are black too, ipso facto it’s Obama’s fault…or the fault of the liberals who elected Obama, same difference.

Krauthammer had nothing to say about the mostly black citizens, adults and kids, who appeared with brooms and started cleaning up after the riots. Then there is the primal cause of these riots. Krauthammer never comes close to that one; it might mean criticizing the police.  Officers drove the prison van in such a way that a black man passenger, with his hands shackled behind his back and without a seat belt, was killed by being thrown violently from side to side as the van deliberately was made to swerve. Krauthammer never mentions that.

Hey, start mentioning things like that and before you know it you’ll be on CNN instead of shilling for Fox News and there goes much of your income. Of course he might gain some self-respect. No I take that back, because I think Krauthammer really believes the bigoted nonsense he produces. No one who doesn’t really believe that stuff could possibly make it up.

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