Wednesday, June 17, 2015

June 17th

Some days you get a gift from the gods; “The Donald” Trump has declared his candidacy for President. It isn’t really official yet because he doesn’t have to sign disclosure of assets papers for several more months…if ever unless the Congress can agree to fill out the committee overseeing such stuff. Hey, that’s OK; Donald’s initial performance was delightful and there is sure to be more to come.

He began by hammering away at Jeb. (Bush that is, although his last name seems to have gotten lost somewhere.) Then he also criticized Marco Rubio. Trump has insulted all immigrants from Mexico. According to him they are thieves, murderers, drug dealers and rapists. He was given a chance to back-pedal when a reporter asked him if all Mexican immigrants were in those categories. Not all he said, but most of them were. Jeb made his candidacy announcement in fluent Spanish. So has Jeb won more credit for his party from Latino voters with his display of fluency than Trump has lost by his insults?  Who knows; one thing is certain: Trump won’t get the Hispanic vote. I don’t think he cares.

He has also happily warred against several highly regarded Republican pundits. Charles Krauthammer and George Will have commented less then favorably on Trump’s candidacy and Trump has responded in his usual manner with some name calling—nothing very original of course.

His candidacy is a farce. Some have claimed that he appeals to “a certain segment of voters.” Of course he does, so does Carly Fiorina and Ben Carson but they are in the race hoping to win it; they aren’t in it just for the publicity. Well, on second thought…who really knows why anyone would get into a two-year race for a fou- year term of office? It must be love of country.

Trump has long accused President Obama of not being a legitimate President because he claims Obama was born In Kenya. He has offered five million dollars to Obama if he will reveal his college and university grades and produce a copy of his passport.  Some time ago on Jay Leno’s program Leno asked the President why Trump seemed to have such animosity toward him. The President with a slight smile and perfect timing said, “It all goes back to when we were growing up together in Kenya…” The laughter was explosive. Poor Donald was out of his league then and he still is. Even so I surely hope he sticks around; now if Fox just invites him to the debates…

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