Sunday, June 21, 2015

June 21st

We might first consider the self-described Christian Mike Huckabee’s response to the murders in Charleston. I asked a friend what she thought Huckabee would say about the carnage. She said she hoped he would have admired the relatives’ attitude of forgiveness toward the murderer. Then I said, come on now, what do you really think Huckabee said about it, and she replied that he probably said it wouldn’t have happened if the congregants had guns. Her second guess was right on; that’s exactly what he said. Huckabee is so predictable.


We have a new book, a rant by Ann Coulter; it’s called “Adios America.” When I saw this title I was sure Ann had decided to emigrate, then I discovered that she meant her country was leaving her, not that she was leaving her country; what a disappointment. Ms. Coulter has become very rich by providing far right wingers with generous amounts of red meat. She has written ten (yes ten!) New York Times best sellers. These have titles like, “Mugged: Racial demagoguery from the seventies to Obama” and “How to talk to a liberal… if you have to.” The rest of her efforts have similar titles and they sell very well indeed. She has a loyal fan base, loyal enough to have sent her books to the top of the best seller lists and made her millions of dollars. Her speaking fees alone were over 500 thousand dollars for just one year.

There have been problems: to feed the right what they crave she has repeatedly crossed the boundary of acceptable taste. I didn’t say good taste, just acceptable taste. She has made a more than comfortable living writing stuff about as insulting to liberals, and other people she doesn’t like, as print medium and the FCC will tolerate.

Her last book is directed at immigrants: Coulter laments the fact that the country is becoming less white, by which she means less Anglo. She fulminates against “swarthy looking males” coming into the country. She claims that major employers of these aliens, who pay them just eight dollars an hour, should pay back the government which, because of these low wages, must then step in and support the immigrants. Naturally she has no problem with these same wages being paid to non-immigrant Americans who must, as a result, be provided with food stamps.

She was asked on Bill Maher’s program who she thought would take the Republican nomination. Her answer was Donald Trump, and she was serious. If you recall, Trump also made halting immigration one of his highest priorities.  I can see it now. Ann Coulter will be Donald Trump’s choice as his Vice Presidential candidate. Isn’t she the clever one? Poor Donald.



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