Thursday, January 7, 2016

Jan 7th

The big news today is that Senator Marco Rubio has been seen wearing high-heeled shiny black boots. That this has made the news, at least on some outlets, shows just how vacuous the news about candidates has become. But height is important for a candidate for the Presidency; except for Harry Truman who was 5’9’ and Dwight Eisenhower at 5’10” most of our recent President have been close to, or over, six feet tall. Maybe Senator Rubio wanted to lengthen himself a bit, although he is 5’10” and that is surely within reach (ugh!) of an appropriate height. His detractor, Senator Cruz who first called attention to these boots, probably should consider something similar for himself because Cruz barely makes 5’8”.

Then, still in the political realm, if just barely, is the comment by a Native American tribe of Paiutes who claim that the occupiers of the federal buildings on the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge are trespassing on their sacred tribal lands; a lot of good that protest will do them. Some have pointed out the remarkable contrast between armed to the teeth white men taking over public buildings with no government response and a black kid, twelve years old, shot down in his tracks for brandishing a pellet pistol. I recognize the important differences; I also recognize the importance of the contrast.

Who do you suppose said this, “Let’s teach them a lesson if they ever show up here.” This was said while the speaker had his hand in his coat pocket where he claimed to have a gun. The “them” were Muslims and the speaker was a prominent Christian, Jerry Falwell, the President of Liberty University. That did not go unchallenged by another Christian, John Piper, Chancellor of Bethlehem College and Seminary, who took issue with Falwell’s curious interpretation of a Christian response. Deviation from the approved theological path has had repercussions for one Associate Professor at Wheaton College. Dr. Larycia Hawkins will lose her tenured position at Wheaton, a rigorously Christian college, for having the temerity to suggest that Muslims and Christians are all “people of the book,” children of Abraham, and worship the same God. Dr. Hawkins also has some eminent theologians who support her. I hope they will help her find a new job.

At this moment Donald Trump is about to take the stage at a rally in Burlington Vermont. Unfortunately the venue holds only 1400 people and the Trumps have issued 20,000 tickets. The Burlington police chief and the fire marshal are not happy but Trump will certainly crow about how many people had to be turned away. The latest news from the rally is that the Trump bouncers are asking people as they present their tickets if they are Trump supporters, if they say they are just interested in hearing him speak they don’t get in; only full throated Trumpeters will be admitted.

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