Saturday, June 11, 2016

2016 June 11th

In yesterday’s blog I listed the surrogates Hillary Clinton could count on to help her candidacy; it was a distinguished list. While Hilary Clinton has this distinguished supporting cast trying to get her elected, Donald Trump’s party is trying desperately to get rid of him and, unfortunately, that isn’t working.  There was some hope that Trump would be more circumspect, more presidential, once the primaries were over. Speaker Ryan and Senator McConnell said that he should be given a couple of weeks to come to terms with these restrictions. Why should the Republican candidate for the Presidency of the United States be given any time at all to begin acting like a candidate for the Presidency of the United States instead of like a petulant nine-year-old?
At the same time that Trump is speaking to Ralph Reed’s “Faith and Freedom Coalition,” the Republican Party’s last “peerless leader,” Mitt Romney, is having a meeting of the party’s wealthy in Utah trying to figure out how to dump him.
Trump’s speech to Reed’s Christian group, although scripted, is not particularly truthful. Trump says of Clinton, “…she put emails on a private server all to hide her corrupt dealings.” Trump offered no evidence that the server was “used to hide corrupt dealings.”
Then Trump claimed that Obama’s endorsement of Secretary Clinton “was the first time ever, by the way, that a President of the United States had endorsed somebody under criminal investigation.” That claim is just more wishful thinking by Donald Trump. The FBI is investigating Clinton’s use of a private server but that is a far as the investigation has gone.
If Trump wants to keep the air nice and sterile he should look at his friend Ralph Reed’s lobbying for gambling interests. He was paid $20 thousand a month for lobbying against gambling interests that would compete with Jack Abramoff’s Indian casino clients. Before Grover Norquist got his anti-tax gig off and running Norquist was in cahoots with Jack Abramoff as well. (You can check out the tawdry history of Reed, Norquist and Abramoff by just googling “Reed, Norquist, Abramoff gambling lobby.”)

Trump will not allow himself to be controlled for any length of time. In an earlier teleprompter speech, he did stick to the script—except when he discussed the TPP, the Trans-Pacific Partnership. This mentally compromised billionaire had to look away from his teleprompter and grinningly emphasize the initials “pee pee.” This mentally challenged adult is put forward to be President of the United States? Go figure!

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