Tuesday, February 14, 2017

2017 Feb 14th

It is tempting to believe that General Flynn’s resignation was a Valentine’s Day present to the Trump administration, but it wasn’t. On his way out Flynn said that he was a “scapegoat.” We  know that a scapegoat is an animal sent off into the wilderness because it bears the sins of others. Is Flynn searching for an excuse for his firing, or is he trying to tell us something? Just whose sin is he bearing, and what is that sin?
Republicans are certainly in no hurry to get the answers. We get the usual political comments from politicians who want to do nothing at all: Don’t rush to judgment! Don’t get out over your skis!  Why not say, “Move on folks, nothing to see here!” Speaker Ryan claims that there is already a committee investigating the Russian interference in our election and he feels that’s enough investigating of potentially embarrassing stuff for Republicans to be doing so fugetaboutit.
You can’t blame him because there is the possibility that boss Trump put Flynn up to his awkward conversation with the Russian Ambassador. That would account for Flynn’s scapegoat comment. Trump’s long-term affinity for Putin and his willingness to deny Russia’s role in his election win all give some credibility to Flynn’s comment.
Trump must have known about Flynn’s Russian ties for some time. Sally Yates, the Assistant Attorney General. told the White House about Flynn weeks before Trump did anything to get rid of him. Why did that take so long? They fired Sally Yates three days after she told them about Flynn, but the firing was described as because she refused to enforce an illegal Muslim ban. For this Trump described her as “traitorous.” Yates was fired; Flynn remained the president’s favorite…until now.
Flynn had many subordinates under his direction. I assume that there will be a general housecleaning and re-furnishing of that department but not before the new guy is appointed. At this point, who that is remains a mystery but there is general agreement that whoever it is, the decision should come very soon. In addition to North Korea firing off a missile and the ramifications of that discussed with Japanese Prime Minister Abe at a public dinner at Trump’s resort, there is the deployment of intermediate range missiles by Russia in violation of treaty agreements.  (Some find it curious that Trump complains about security leaks and then discusses North Korea’s missile launch with his security people at a public restaurant.)

Much seems to point to a Russian connection: The Brit’s MI-6 agent has told us about Trump’s behavior in Russia that could lead to blackmail. Maybe Trump is a Putin puppet. The now gone Paul Manafort had Russian connections that eventually got him canned. Flynn, even when he was considered “trustworthy” was shown having dinner with Putin after a paid speech to R/T the Russian mouthpiece TV for Putin. The long gone Corey Lewandowski also had Russian ties as does current advisor, Boris Epshteyn. Even Breitbart’s Steve Bannon the current alt-right  resident White House advisor is strongly pro-Russian.

Because mainstream Republicans and conservatives have abandoned the cause and accepted things like gay marriage and multiculturalism, the Alt-Right Traditionalists needed to find a new ally and they found a powerful ally in Putin.  The Alt-Right thinks that Putin will be their new Traditionalist hero as they have been marginalized by the Republicans and Conservatives of the West. 
About the only Trumpeters without an announced admiration for Russia are Kellyanne Conway, who might not be around all that much longer and Stephen Miller. It will be fun to get to the bottom of this.

Because mainstream Republicans and conservatives have abandoned the cause and accepted things like gay marriage and multiculturalism, the Alt-Right Traditionalists needed to find a new ally and they found a powerful ally in Putin.  The Alt-Right thinks that Putin will be their new Traditionalist hero as they have been marginalized by the Republicans and Conservatives of the West. 

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