Monday, February 27, 2017

2017 Feb 27th

Trump has decided not to attend the White House Correspondent’s Dinner (WHCD). Who can blame him? He has been chief press basher for years. Now that it’s the press’s turn to do the bashing he wants to run and hide. A few years back he was President Obama’s target at an earlier event and he sat rigid with anger while Obama laid it on about the undeniably trivial nature of the decisions Trump had to make as a TV host. That was President Obama’s chance for a little payback for Trump’s leading the attempt to delegitimize Obama’s presidency with his birther charge. It is certain that whether he attends the WHCD or not, he’ll be humiliated again and there is nothing he can do about it. The dinner isn’t until April 29th and by then maybe we’ll have a different president and Trump can go back to his gold plated tower.

Closer in time, Trump has other problems: at last count he had over 500 appointments still to make. Hey, nothing interferes with the poor man’s golf game…and the less time he spends in the Oval Office the better off we are. Unfortunately, some of his new appointments are not working out: The Secretary of Labor, Andy Puzder, already a problem for senate confirmation, has decided he’d rather stay with the company he owns. Those commercials of buxom, scantily clad girls loving their hot dogs must have been just too much fun to leave behind. This comes less than a week after the forced resignation of Mike Flynn as National Security Advisor because of his ties to Russia.  (His picture having dinner with Putin is really hard to explain away.) Vince Viola has withdrawn his nomination as secretary of the army as has Philip Bilden as secretary of the navy. The only people who are willing to play with Donald are scumbags who aren’t allowed in his playpen anyway.

A few days ago Sean Spicer, probably at the behest of his paranoid boss. insisted that all of the employees he supervised should immediately leave their cell phones on a table. You can guess what that was for: They were inspected to see if any of them might have sent unauthorized messages to the press. In short, the administration was trying to catch leakers among Spicer’s subordinates. How do we know about this? It was leaked to the press.

We know for an absolute fact that Trump right now has more of the population unhappy with what he is doing than are satisfied with him. He is the “leader of the free world,” the person who is supposed to defend our borders and discourage our enemies. But what do we have? We have a clown who is busy mugging at his audiences and providing an easily mimicked target for professional comedians wearing fright wigs, coloring their skin orange and speaking in incomplete sentences.

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