Friday, March 31, 2017

2017 Mar 31st

April Fool’s Day is not today, it’s tomorrow! Even so, today we have Trump’s former National Security Advisor, General Mike Flynn, agreeing to testify to whatever you like in exchange from prosecution for whatever he’s done.  Poor Flynn, not that long ago, when speaking about Hillary Clinton’s supporters who also wanted immunity from prosecution, he claimed that only the guilty would make such a request. The tape of Flynn saying that is now on a continuous loop.
Prosecutors can go after Flynn whenever they want to. It is illegal for retired military officers to go to work for a foreign power and Flynn did just that; his firm accepted 530 thousand dollars to lobby for Turkey, even pushing this country to extradite a resident Turkish cleric, Fethullah Gulen, whom the Turks accuse of fomenting revolution in Turkey. When Flynn began to push the extradition of Gulen, the Turkish press was delighted with the fine bargain their government had made.
Flynn is no longer employed as an advisor to Trump. He is said to have been fired because he misinformed Vice President Pence about his Russian contacts….more horse hockey. Pence was head honcho of Trump’s transition team. This team was notified by two congressmen and by a Justice Department attorney of Flynn’s Turkish and Russian ties and, unless Pence refused to read his mail, he should have known about Flynn, The White House knew that thirteen days before they took action to fire Flynn. They didn’t give a ****about Pence until Flynn’s lies were outed by the naughty media.
Trump agrees that Flynn should ask for a pass from prosecution if he testifies. Trump claims all this Russian stuff is just a “witch hunt.”  The Russians heartily agree with him. Now if the Donald is feeling abused and disrespected he can just drop down the hall a few doors to daughter Ivanka’s brand new office to get some “there, there daddy dear” commiserations. It does seem clear that Ivanka Trump, unlike other White House employees, will have total job security.

The White House is busy trying to do some damage control of Chairman Nunes performance a few days ago. Nunes got a phone call to come to the White House to view some very secret documents that the White House National Security people had obtained. Nunes, who had been a member of the Trump transition team went immediately to the White house to see what they had. He didn’t tell any of his committee members but he did arrange for a press conference…he wasn’t that rushed. He decided that what he found must be reported to the president immediately and so that’s what he did.
Eventually he decided that he owed his committee members an apology so he apologized for ignoring them. He did not believe that they needed any explanation of why he ignored them so he didn’t offer any. What happened and why is still a mystery: There were three White House appointed National Security people who invited Nunes to the White House to view these papers. Nunes claimed that he had to inform Trump about what he’d seen but these same NSC people could have informed Trump without bothering to consult Nunes. Trump could have seen these papers, or whatever, any time he wished. Why all the theater?

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