Saturday, April 1, 2017

2017 Apr 1st

It’s Saturday morning and time to review the basket of Tweets from our dear leader. First off the mark is this effort:
When will Sleepy Eyes Chuck Todd and NBC News start talking about the Obama Surveillance Scandal
and stop with the
Fake Trump/Russia Story?
This appeared at 8:43 this morning, a bit late for the early rising Donald Trump. A mere 19 minutes later comes his second tweet; he claims again that the media is “pushing the phony Russian Story.”
There is little doubt that Trump really and truly wants all this Russian stuff to go away...does he ever! Unfortunately for President Trump, he doesn’t have enough money to make that happen.
Meanwhile back at the Nunes Theater the question of the day is why was Nunes picked as the errand boy to take some good news to Trump? Remember these White House NSC people specifically invited Nunes to this viewing, no one else need come.
The obvious answer is that Nunes was a Trump supporter from way back. He was a member of the Trump transition team helping Trump get ready to actually be president after he had won the presidency. There is more: There were two members of the NSC attached to the White House who were involved in extending the “come visit” invitation to Nunes. One of these, Michael Ellis, just happens to have been Nunes’ deputy general counsel, before Ellis got his White House gig. The other NSC White House person has a very interesting history: This is Ezra Cohen-Watnick. When General Flynn got his walking papers he was replaced by another retired Lt. General, H.R. McMasters. McMasters has a reputation for speaking truth to power and for being willing to pay the cost of that predilection. He had been passed over for promotion more than once because he would not put up with military do-do.
When he agreed to work for Trump he was promised he would have total control of his subordinates. That was another Trump lie. McMasters found Ezra Cohen-Watnick on the NSC staff and fired him. That was a no-go because Cohen-Watnick had powerful friends in the administration. He had been recruited by none other than the previous NSC head, the partially discredited Mike Flynn. Cohen-Watnick also had the support of Steve Bannon with the result that Trump countermanded McMasters’ order and Cohen-Watnick remained part of the NSC. Both Cohen-Watnick and Ellis were instrumental in producing the Nunes Theater’s opening production.
Now we have Congressman Adam Schiff, the ranking member of the house intelligence committee, invited to the White House to view these documents. Schiff said,  after seeing what he had been given, that there was no reason why every member of the committee could not see what he had seen and, in essence, couldn’t understand what all the fuss was about.
You don’t suppose, by any chance, that Schiff was not given the same documents Nunes saw? Is it possible that the White House NSC people could have switched documents? Only if switching them would have served their purpose. I’m sure this administration will tell the truth… just as long as they see no benefit in lying.

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