Sunday, April 2, 2017

2017 Apr 2nd

It is time to review our Leader’s Sunday morning tweets. He begins just before nine o’clock by telling us that, “Anybody (especially Fake News media) who thinks that Repeal & Replace of Obamacare is dead does not know the love and strength in the R party.”

A few minutes later we have an essentially identical message “Talks are and have been going on…” (To eliminate Obamacare.)
Finally, at 9:34 we leave the Obamacare replacement theme and we get back to his favorite issue: “The real story turns out to be SURVEILLANCE and LEAKING! Find the Leakers.”

The “love and strength in the R party” was not entirely evident when Ryan tried to push his pseudo healthcare bill through the house. Trump ignores the fact that there are several very different “R” parties. The most conservative Tea Party types would probably side with Steve Bannon and his desire to “Deconstruct the administrative state.” They don’t want to raise taxes, borrow money and they hope to starve the government until it becomes impotent. Then there are more moderate Republicans who don’t believe that needy citizens should be allowed to bleed to death at the hospital emergency room door. Trump believes that this is the love and strength of the R party. Really? The notion that these segments of Republicanism will get along and agree on anything is simply silly.

His last tweet is far more important to Trump because it is truly existential for his presidency. If the spooks in the various government agencies discover collusion between Trump or his closest supporters and the Russian attacks on our election it will be “Hello President Pence.” As a result, Trump is desperately trying to deflect the investigative energy to leaks. For Donald Trump Russia in the context of the election is a place he will not go.

Why does he never mention the Russian interference in our election?  Why does he never talk about that? Presumably, he believes that if you don’t mention it, the problem will go away. Unfortunately for Trump there is too much there there. There are Trump and his people’s connections to the Russians everywhere you look.

Then there are Trump’s legislative efforts, they have been a total failure. Beginning with his attempt to ban the immigration of Muslims from seven countries, struck down by the courts, and they revised that so it would surely pass, only to have it struck down again. He has managed to put in effect his pipeline but his insistence that it use only American made pipe is a non-starter because American manufactures simply don’t make enough of that pipe. Then we have his famous wall that America will now have to pay for until he can find a way to charge Mexico for it. Then he boots the cancel and replace Obamacare legislation that had been a major talking point for his campaign.

We have his presentation of a bill to Germany’s Angela Merkel for what he believes is Germany’s debt to NATO and you have Russia giddy with delight at how well their favorite patsy is performing. Trump doesn’t want to talk about Russia. I wonder why.

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