Friday, May 26, 2017

2017 May 26th

This morning’s paper has a column by Michael Barone who writes for the “Washington Examiner.” Barone’s forte of late has been the vigorous defense of President Trump. Today’s column was no exception; he titled it “A competent president abroad.”
Barone cites a few of the glitches Trump has faced at home, almost all of his own making. He even mentions a “Brainy and quirky conservative columnist, Ross Douthat, who argued that the Trump cabinet should remove him from office under the 25th amendment.” It is clear that Trump’s boo boos have affected even some of his conservative supporters right here.  Ah, but Barone assures us that Trump is far more competent once he gets overseas.
He then speaks very specifically of Trump’s recent visit to Saudi Arabia where Trump is welcomed as if he were a descendant of the Prophet himself. There was sword dancing and Secretary of State Tillerson’s proficiency at it was so remarkable that he was asked to explain why. Tillerson said that he had done the dance many times before; it does make sense as Tillerson was a former Exxon-Mobil CEO.
Barone tells us that Trump, “...before an assemblage of leaders from about 50 Muslim majority nations, …denounced in no uncertain terms Islamic extremism and Islamic terror groups…” Oh, dear me! That was a major blunder. Using the word "Islamic," a reference to their religion, in the same breath as "terrorism" could be seen by Muslims as an affront to their faith and actually play into the terrorists' "clash of civilizations" narrative. This is the reason why President Barack Obama avoided that combination during his presidency. On the other hand, "Islamist," refers to political movements that seek to implement Islamic law and theology, making it less objectionable to Muslims when paired with "terrorism." Yes I know that is a very picky point but if it risks insulting a 1.4 billion member religion, it is worth knowing. Back at the White House apologies were quickly made for Trump’s gaff; it was blamed on the President’s fatigue from a long flight. Barone hasn’t given us his excuse but he’s sure Trump is a competent president…at least when he’s overseas.
Trump’s refused to comment on any of the Saudi’s human rights abuses, or on their treatment of women. At least he didn’t attend any of the routine Sunday beheadings in Riyadh’s main square.

Trump was all smiles at the adoring welcome he got from the Saudis. He put on a very different face when he left Air Force 1 in Europe. He met with the heads of state of NATO members and to watch him jockey for position in that group was a blast. Trump believed that it was important for him to be in the front row for the photo-op and it probably was. The doesn’t mean he should shove the premier of Montenegro out of his way as he moved to the front row. He never said a word to the man, “no excuse me,” nothing; he just shoved him aside. Maybe he is there to reinforce the ugly American image. Needless to say, his boorishness was noticed, but not by Barone.
Then he spent time haranguing the NATO country heads about the importance of paying their 2 percent contribution. He’s right of course but this might not be the best way to get what he wants. There was no mention of article 5 in the charter which says that an attack on one is an  attack on all. Maybe he should have pointed out that they get something for this 2 percent contribution to their own welfare, He will learn eventually that browbeating heads of state rarely gets you anything but enemies…or sometimes gets you laughed at. See some of the footage of the premiers snickering at the NATO meeting while Trump is haranguing them about the 2 percent solution.

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