Wednesday, June 7, 2017

2017 June 7th

Tomorrow will be the most entertaining news day in many months. James Comey, former director of the FBI will testify under oath about Trump’s attempts to get him to drop the FBI’s Russia investigation. He also asked Comey to lay off investigating Michael Flynn, and he asked for Comey’s loyalty, presumably loyalty to him personally. He got none of what he asked for and shortly after being refused, he fired Comey.
There is a consensus that Trump will start a tweetstorm about the time Comey begins testifying. He will attempt to rebut what Comey says in real time. That might be a tad odd even for Trump; we’ll see.

Trump has already claimed that Comey’s preliminary testimony has vindicated him. Naturally, he doesn’t go into detail about why he believes that, but Comey told him that he was not personally being investigated. Of course Trump does not deny asking Comey to hold off his investigation of “god guy” Michael Flynn who we know was illegally taking money to represent Turkey even as their goons were beating up peaceful protesters outside their Washington embassy.
James Clapper, the former Director of National Intelligence, was in the intelligence business during the Watergate mess. Clapper asserts that Watergate pales in comparison to the Trump Russia disaster. I guess we’ll have to wait to see if Clapper is right.

The Brits betting people are providing some interesting odds. Ladbrokes, one prominent betting parlour, will let you bet that our national embarrassment will either resign or be impeached before the end of his first term. You put up seven dollars and if Trump is either impeached, or if he resigns, you win four dollars. If neither happens, you lose the seven bucks you risked to start with.
We’ll see how those odds change after the 2018 election. Impeachment must originate in the house and if Trump keeps the house, we’ll probably be stuck with him until 2020. If he loses the house,  we can kiss him goodbye.

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