Friday, June 9, 2017

2017 June 9th

More fallout from Comey’s testimony before that Senate committee: In fact it is more about Trump’s new hard-nosed lawyer Marc Kasowitz who claims that Comey lied about Trump’s request to have him go easy on investigating General Flynn. Kasowitz plans to “bring an action against Comey for this falsehood.” Good luck with that dodge, dad.
I assume there is no tape of this conversation. Surely if a tape does exist, Trump would have told Attorney Kasowitz about it and Kasowitz would stop with these bluffing noises. If there is no tape it comes down to whom to believe, doesn’t it. On the one side is that soul of probity, FBI Director, James Comey; on the other side we have the hardly ever truthful President of the United States, Donald J. Trump. If you were an attorney and you had to convince a jury that one of these men is a congenital liar, which would you rather attack? Kasowitz will earn every penny of his fee, particularly if he can keep the litigious Trump from forcing this mess to trial.

Today on “Meet the Press” we met Tennessee representative Marcia Blackburn who had been the Vice Chair of the Trump transition team. Ms. Blackburn simply oozed southern charm until James Comey’s name came up and then there was a shift; her southern charm had been challenged beyond its ability to respond civilly.
She began by claiming that Mr. Comey “had an interesting relationship with the truth.” Todd immediately jumped at that because Comey had testified under oath and Blackburn seemed to be accusing him of lying. “Oh no,” she said I said, “he has an interesting relationship with the truth.” She stuck with that talking point in addition to claiming that Comey had “What we in Tennessee call a good old fashioned come apart.” She then accused Comey of throwing various people “under the bus.” She tried mightily to get to issues about uranium scandals but, thankfully, Todd recognized her attempt to preach her own agenda and he cut her off.
It was most instructive if more than a little disheartening. How could this southern gentlewoman have allowed herself to be associated with a man who is on record bragging about being allowed to grab women’s privates and pay no penalty because he is rich.

The obvious answer in the case of Representative Blackburn is that she would have backed anyone wo might have secured a SCOTUS seat for a candidate likely to vote to outlaw abortion.

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