Monday, December 28, 2015

Dec 28th

The Manchester New Hampshire Union Leader recently endorsed Governor Christie of New Jersey for President. They gave a variety of reasons for doing that, none based on any objective evaluation of his record as Governor of New Jersey. That omission was appropriate because Christie’s record in New Jersey would lead a concerned person to suggest that he be made a ward of the court lest he injure his family and himself. (I have detailed his near criminal ineffectiveness as Governor in a previous post.)

Now that the New Hampshire primary is getting closer, and Christie is not meeting the expectations of the Union Leader, his polling numbers do not show him emerging from the pack of also rans well behind Trump. He seems unable to do better than third among the contenders with Trump some distance ahead of the pack. Now the Union Leader comes charging into the fray once more apparently recognizing that their boy needs some shoring up…or that Trump, the leader needs to be whittled down. They have opted for the later, probably because taking down Trump is easier than boosting Christie.  Here is a bit from a current Union Leader editorial about Donald Trump:
“Trump has shown himself to be a crude blowhard with no clear political philosophy and no deeper understanding of the important and serious role of President of the United States than one of the goons he lets rough up protesters in his crowds.”
I doubt that the Union Leader’s name-calling will change the mind of a single Trump supporter; it may, however, lead to a reduction of the number of subscribers to the Union Leader.

Trump has now threatened Hilary Clinton that if she brings in Bill Clinton to support her he will attack Hillary’s comments about Monica Lewinski. So in Trump’s mind his comments about Clinton’s “disgusting” trip to the bathroom, Fiorina’s “unimaginable face” in the Oval Office, Megyn Kelly’s menstrual flow, are somehow offset by Hillary’s comments about the woman who brought her “presidential kneepads” to Washington in a deliberate attempt to seduce Hillary’s husband. Linda Tripp who outed the Clinton-Lewinsky relationship is, once again, coming forth to do her duty by telling anyone who will listen to her that Hillary Clinton should never be President of the United States. Her reasoning is that Hillary should not be President because she acted to protect Bill Clinton and she decided that she wanted to be President.

This woman has done very well after leaving government employment. Linda is married and is involved in a German themed Christmas Store in Middleburg Virginia. She and her husband also own a rather posh horsey farm that is for sale for three million dollars.  I guess the notion that the Clintons come after the people who did them wrong is not entirely accurate. Ms. Trip is considering a reemergence into public life, at least according to her son. Poor Hillary!  

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