Thursday, February 11, 2016

2016 Feb 11th

Cal Thomas is on another rant today; this time it is against the “ultra-liberals,” (are there any other kind for Thomas?), Hilary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. He writes, “Hearing their complaints about the economy…health care…unemployment…it appears hope had died and change is all we have left in our pockets.” His next paragraph echoes that one, listing a litany of complaints about the country, supposedly attributable to Clinton and Sanders. Sanders has certainly been critical of the “wealth gap” and everyone (perhaps excepting Cal Thomas) is unhappy about stagnant wage growth. Then Thomas says, “That’s not who we are. It is only who Democrats think we are.”

This is, as the M.A.S.H. colonel said, horse hockey! And it continues again and again in the same form; Democrats are bashing the country says Cal Thomas! Has this man never listened to a stump speech by Donald Trump? Trump never lets up on his litany of criticism of American trade agreements (weak, very weak), of immigration policy (weak, very weak), and nearly everything else Trump can think of, including tax policy. Trump would fix the tax policy by eliminating the estate tax thereby saving his heirs billions, and lowering the top income tax rate, thereby saving himself hundreds of millions a year. Of course Cal Thomas may believe this stream of criticism from Donald Trump, whose constant mantra is “Make America Great Again,” really implies that America is just wonderful as it is. Maybe this makes sense to Thomas.

Then Thomas seems to believe that Secretary Clinton has some sort of obligation to release transcripts of her talks to major banks for which she was paid big bucks. Thomas says that, “the secretary routinely demanded that a stenographer be present at her events so that she could maintain a record of what she said.” so we know that a record exists. What if it does; do we understand that Thomas believes he is entitled to a copy of a speech that a group paid a considerable sum to hear…and now he is entitled to read it free of charge? What an amazing sense of entitlement!

Thomas says that, “In Bernie Sanders America no one will ever have to work again.” Of course Sanders never said that; it’s just another of Thomas’ fabrications. Sanders does say that college should be free as should health care. How could college possibly be free here in America? It’s free in Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Germany, France and even Brazil…but not here. I guess the US is just not as rich as those countries and so we can’t afford that.  It is much better to saddle our graduates with thousands of dollars of debt. Welcome to the world of Cal Thomas.

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