Tuesday, March 1, 2016

2016 March 1st

 “I love the poorly educated,” says Donald Trump, Republican candidate for the Presidency 2016. “We love you right back Mr. Trump,” say the poorly educated in America 2016. 

George Will has a column in today’s Record-Eagle; in it he presents a way to “Cool down Donald Trump.” Mr. Will is of the opinion that the secret to Donald Trump’s demise lies in his obvious unwillingness to divulge his current and past income tax returns. Will believes that Trump is hiding something. Maybe he is hiding something or maybe he is just unwilling to comply with a government requirement he finds odious. Trump’s conflicts with the IRS will not alienate his followers, if anything that conflict will bind his followers to him all the tighter. “Good old Trump won’t knuckle under to that damned IRS.”

A negative attitude toward taxes is a mainstay of the Republican Party so I am surprised that George Will is not applauding this antic. Conservatives believe that the road to reduced government is to starve the monster into submission. We even have Grover Norquist, an unelected gadfly, insisting that newly elected legislators sign a pledge not to raise taxes. Republican legislators hardly need any urging on that point. Pay as you go is no longer a conservative value when the government can borrow what it needs from China and Japan. These same Tea Party types then moan, oh so loudly, about passing along the resulting massive debt to “future generations.”

The recent David Duke incident when Trump blamed his slow rejection of Duke, the Neo-Nazi on a failure of his earpiece, is now supported by Trump kicking out some African-American students from one of his circuses. When you are very slow to reject a former Ku Klux Klan grand poohbah, and then you start throwing African-American college students out of your rally for the sin of simply standing in the back of the auditorium, you might as well relish your nomination win and forget about winning the general election.

Donald Trump is the Republican Party’s gift to Hillary Clinton that gives and gives and keeps on giving.

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