Friday, April 29, 2016

2016 April 29th

The “stop Trump movement” has all but collapsed. We know that because a few noteworthy Republican Senators are now praising some of Trump’s antics. Foremost among the panderers is that esteemed Chair of the Foreign Relations Committee of the Senate, Bob Corker. Senator Corker claims that Trump’s speech “challenges the foreign policy establishment.” Of course, the challenge here might be to understand what Trump was talking about. Eventually, though, Senator Corker climbs aboard the Trump train by saying that “the speech was a great step in the right direction.” This leader of the Foreign Relations Committee will perhaps not be happy to know that his enthusiasm for Trump’s pronouncements are echoed by none other than Russian President Vladimir Putin who also thought Trump’s foreign policy speech was just dandy. Hey, talk about kumbaya! Maybe Corker and Putin can get together and start a Trump fan club!
For a change, Trump delivered the speech using a teleprompter, a device he has roundly condemned others for using. Perhaps with this speech, he wanted to be certain to say exactly what his handlers thought he should say, to do that he had to stick to the script, hence the teleprompter.
The speech was not universally well received.  In spite of President Putin and Senator Corker’s praise, Senator Lindsey Graham described it as nonsensical, unnerving and pathetic, so not everyone was happy with Trump’s effort.
I doubt that the content of Trump’s remarks, his proclamations or position papers will have much effect; what does have an effect is the almost certainty that Trump will be the Republican nominee. If he becomes the Republican Party’s standard-bearer, who will want to cross him? All aboard; if you’re a pol for heaven’s sake don’t get left behind. Just watch everyone scramble to get on the Trump train and dismiss Senator Cruz.
Governor Pence of Indiana a very right leaning Governor, who recently had to retreat from an anti-gay law, just gave a tepid endorsement to Senator Cruz. He said that all three candidates were splendid, then went on to single out Donald Trump twice for extra-special remarks, but said that he would vote for Senator Cruz. It’s easy to see why this guy became a politician. He covered every base.

Most of the prognosticators are predicting that Trump will lose massively to Clinton, but some are cautious because too often Trump has been counted out when he blundered and his fans didn’t care. This is different; he’s not going to lose his fans no matter what but those fans aren’t enough for him to win the general election. He does not do well with women; he does not do well with Hispanics and he does not do well with African Americans.  He cannot win a general election with his present fan base; there are just not enough of them. If the Republicans can manage to restrict the ability to vote of enough minorities maybe Trump would have a chance but disenfranchising minorities could have other very unpleasant consequences.

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