Monday, April 4, 2016

2016 April 4th

Donald Trump is preparing his fans for a loss in Wisconsin. He is expected to lose there and his excuse will be that Governor Kasich has “stolen” some of his votes. How did Kasich accomplish this feat you may ask? Kasich did it by staying in the race and not dropping out. That’s silly of course, but Cruz also wants Kasich gone and that’s because he wants a Mano-a-Mano with Trump.

Trump is now cozying up to the Republican establishment by listing his choices for SCOTUS appointments should he be elected and current Justices need to be replaced. Some time back Trump claimed “The Heritage Foundation” would vet his SCOTUS appointments but some recent problems with that institution’s record has perhaps given him pause. Jason Richwine, a Heritage scholar has done a dissertation declaring a eugenically based assertion that whites are intellectually superior to Latinos and hence the “wall” is a great idea. There have been other gaffes.

All of this attention to primary elections might be just a waste of time anyway. A member of the Republican National Committee's Rules Committee said Wednesday that the party will decide who the GOP nominee will be, not the voters. "The media has created the perception that the voters will decide the nomination," Curly Haugland said in an interview with CNBC. "That's the conflict here. The political parties choose their nominees, not the general public, contrary to popular belief," he added.  Haugland is the RNC member from North Dakota. Keep in mind that these are the same people who claim that the Democratic Party cannot be called the Democratic Party because it is not really democratic. Can we say hypocrisy? This is pathetic! The RNC doesn’t want to nominate Donald Trump because he will surely lose the election unless Hillary Clinton is arrested and no one should count on that. So the RNC’s preferred savior is Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House and Tea Party favorite (Or he was until he reached a budget agreement.) who has coyly proclaimed his disinterest in the whole thing. This is also what he said before he was not unwillingly brought from obscurity into the light as Speaker of the House and second in line for the Presidency.

Ryan is certainly the anti-Trump; he is pro-immigration and he campaigned with Romney on a platform of cutting Medicaid, the program to provide medical care for the poor. Maybe he would be easier than Donald Trump for a progressive to beat. He is still a very longshot to win the Republican nomination; actually a 10 to 1 shot.  

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