Sunday, April 3, 2016

2016 April 3rd

Pat Buchanan makes every excuse he can think of to overlook Donald Trump’s recent gaffes. Then, in passing, he also takes the occasion to lie about Democrats and the media. He says of Corey Lewandowski’s assault on a Breitbart reporter, “…as being likened by the media to the burning of Joan of Arc.” Oh, come now! OK, we hear some of the expected political hyperbole, but Buchanan goes on…and on! Regarding Trump’s suggested punishment of women who choose abortions Buchanan claims that Trump may be “less familiar with the ideological issues terrain than those who live there. But the outrage of the elites is all fakery.” No, it’s not only the “elites” who are outraged at the thought of poor women being punished for getting an abortion. A poor woman considering an abortion rather than adding an eighth child to a family of seven children would also be concerned. How many poor women considering an abortion do you suppose Pat Buchanan has ever talked to? Then he produces this lie, “Democrats do not give a hoot about the right to life of the unborn babies even to the ninth month of pregnancy.” Buchanan apparently believes a 30 month pregnant woman can simply walk into a hospital and get an abortion. She can’t. Most hospitals now have a medical ethics committee that decides whether or not such surgery is appropriate. Buchanan apparently doesn’t know or care to find out about such matters. It’s much easier for him to go on a rant much as he has done here.

So what’s his point? He is really targeting the RNC, the Republican establishment. Buchanan writes, “As for Trump’s call for an “America First” foreign policy, it threatens the rice bowls of those for whom imperial interventions are the reasons for their existence.” So now it’s obvious, Buchanan wants us all to just stay right here at home. The isolationist is again pushing his agenda. What else is new? Every column he writes says the same thing.

And now to the principle players; Trump is predicted to lose Wisconsin on Tuesday’s Republican primary and Bernie Sanders is predicted to win for the Democrats. Trump’s loss and Bernie’s win may have little effect because New York, the big Kahuna, is just around the corner. It does seem to be already decided (and that comment I may come to regret!). The Republican establishment will surely try to push the nomination toward someone other than Donald Trump. If they are unsuccessful and Trump wins the primary, Trump will lose the general election to whichever Democrat runs and if they deny Trump the nomination the Republicans will have to deal with an enraged Trump and his equally enraged followers who will not be happy Republican voters; heads I win, tails you lose!
Paddy Power, the British betting outfit still makes Hillary the odds on favorite to win the whole shebang. A five dollar bet on Hillary will pay you just two bucks if you’re right (and your fiver back of course). If you bet on Trump a dollar bet will win you five if you’re right; other Republican candidates offer even longer odds. I wonder what the Republican Senators think of sitting on the President’s SCOTUS nomination now. Maybe Hillary will nominate Senator Warren. Wouldn’t that be a hoot?

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