Monday, May 2, 2016

2016 May 2nd

It really is all over but the shouting and there continues to be plenty of that. Cruz is baiting Trump supporters is Indiana, a move that will get him no additional votes. Cruz’ absolute refusal to say he would vote against the man he claimed would be a disaster for the country if elected to the Presidency is playing everywhere. If there is another edition of “Profiles in Courage” Cruz will not make the cut. If anything, Cruz’ antics this past week have cost him votes and delighted Trump who now is unstoppable. Republicans are climbing aboard and trying to convince themselves that Trump can win the general election. This is because Trump’s followers have remained glued to his side no matter what he says. As a result, Republican poohbahs believe he can pull the general out of the hat too. Of course he has to do more than keep what following he has to win the general election; he has to add to his following and good luck convincing Latinos, African-Americans, Asian-Americans and women that he is just the guy for them.
Even his recent foreign policy speech was a disaster. It was just dandy for those Republicans who see the future and want to come aboard now. Of course when you say you’ll stand by our allies…but they must now pay their own way, or when you say you won’t take nuclear weapons off the table…and that you want to be unpredictable, you make both your friends and your enemies very nervous, and incline them to be unpredictable as well.

If Trump is confounding the Republicans, Senator Sanders is providing the same favor for Democrats. Sanders has little if any chance to be the Democratic nominee and sees no reason to drop out of the race even if he can’t win it. The problem is that now Sanders has become willing to diminish Clinton’s chances to win the general election in order to enhance, if ever so slightly, his own chances to get the nomination. He has stated that Clinton is “unqualified” to be President because of certain votes she has taken. This supposed “lack of qualification” is entirely in Sander’s mind, but now Trump has picked up that characterization and begun to use it against Clinton. Who is surprised by Trump’s ploy? Thanks Senator!
Sanders agrees that Clinton is a far better choice than Trump. Sanders slamming Clinton is done from desperation and gets Sanders nowhere; short of a physical infirmity, Clinton will be the Democratic nominee. Sander’s has had a remarkable run (which he emphasizes at every opportunity) and now, having moved Clinton to the left, Sanders should stop being a potential wrecking ball for the Democrats.

I voted for Sanders in the Michigan primary, I hope he won’t make me sorry.

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