Sunday, May 8, 2016

2016 May 8th

Trump has been changing some of his positions; he now has a different view of taxation. His initial position was for a “flat tax” with a very congenial top rate considerably below the current 39 percent. This would benefit him to the tune of many millions a year. He would also abolish the estate tax to the very considerable benefit of his children.  All that has changed (or has it?), he now claims that the rich will have to pay more taxes. Given that he needs the rich to help pay for the billion dollars his campaign will need, this may not be a politic (?) move. He says that he will reduce business taxes and will particularly reduce the taxes on the middle classes who, he claims, have been much abused.
Trump’s largesse on the tax front will make him many friends…why else do you suppose he suggested it? But then there is the effect of all this tax reduction on the federal budget, None of these Trump questioners have asked him to say how he will compensate the treasury for all of these tax cuts. This is a problem if he also plans to increase the spending on our military. Maybe he’ll just borrow more money from China and Japan. But how is that possible if he plans to “renegotiate” our trade deals with China? If he does that why should China want to lend us the money to pay for our tax cuts and bolster our military… only the Donald knows.
In spite of his bouncing around on his recent talking points, Trump has remained steadfast on some of the things he’s said: We will build the wall, the 2 thousand mile wall he thinks we need to stop the trickle of Hispanics entering the country. Of course we must stop the drug smugglers but a 2 thousand mile wall won’t do that; smarter intelligence will do that. Of course that isn’t as colorful a talking point as the wall; the wall gets trotted out at every Trump rally, “What are we going to build?” he screams. “A wall,” his followers scream back. “Who’s going to pay for it, he yells? “Mexico!” they scream back. How could Trump ever give that up? That is his principle shtick and it has been for months.
He does have two other signature and controversial suggestions: He wants to deport about 11 million undocumented Hispanics and their children. The fact that the children are American citizens he seems to ignore. He also ignores the problem of getting their native countries to accept their re-entry. How could any of this be a problem for a deal maker like the Donald? Just don’t ask how he will accomplish it because all you’ll get is double talk. Incessant talking is the Donald’s contribution to any interview. If he keeps talking, the interviewer can’t ask questions so Trump keeps control.
Finally, there is the prohibition against any Muslims entering the country. This is an edict that will be ever so helpful in getting the cooperation of typical Muslims to defeat the extremists. Hey, you have to decide if you want to appeal to the xenophobic folks or perhaps would prefer to stop the attacks of Muslim extremists. Trump’s position on this is clear.

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