Thursday, October 13, 2016

2016 Oct 13th

 The right wing columnists will have to wait another day. Trump’s past is gaining on him and nothing he can do will block it out. The groped women just keep coming and they are a much more potent weapon against Trump, particularly given his need for women’s vote, than anything the Kremlin’s hackers can do to shake up Hillary Clinton.

Trump is flailing away at these new accusations that he groped/kissed/fondled a number of women. The NYT has carried stories about several of these women, one of them claims she was groped in the first class section of an aircraft and as a last defense got up and went back into coach to get away from Trump’s attention.
Trump, as is his wont, has claimed that he will sue the “Times” and anyone else who publishes such stories. The “Times” is quite safe because if they are sued by Trump there will be a discovery period (Legalese for a time when the facts in the case are determined.) and during discovery, Donald Trump will have to testify under oath. Can you imagine Trump testifying about his behavior under oath? Not gonna happen folks; not gonna happen.

He had a rally in Florida today and he used it to harangue his audience about how everything was stacked against him. He was incensed about the media, all of whom hated him and treated him unfairly. The debate monitors gave Clinton more time than they gave him and they interrupted him if he went even a second over his time but they let Clinton go on and on. Apparently he didn’t grasp the fact that the “mainstream media’ he was condemning as unfair and biased against him, was carrying his rant from beginning to end. On second thought maybe exposing what he says to a wider audience doesn’t do him any favors.
He appealed to his audience about the improbability of the events involving Natasha Stoyanoff, the People magazine reporter who had to fight him of at his Mar a Lago mansion when she was doing a story about the first anniversary of his marriage. He said, ‘Look at her; you tell me.” The clear implication was that the woman wasn’t attractive enough to get his attention. When the transcript of his rally came out that comment did not appear. And he wonders why he continues to lose the votes of women.

He said that he had evidence that these women were lying and that he would reveal this evidence at a time and at a place of his choosing. With this comment he has guaranteed that reporters will keep the story alive by continually asking him and his surrogates, “Where is this evidence? When will you talk about it?”

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