Friday, October 7, 2016

2016 Oct 7th

This morning while most television stations were focusing on news of the hurricane, I thought to find out what Fox News was talking about. I tuned in to “Outnumbered” a Fox format in which four slim, short skirted, young women are seated two on either side of an honored guest, typically male. We all know that Fox News is fair and balanced, just not this morning. The guest was a Wall Street Journal editorial writer named Daniel Henninger. Mr. Henninger produced a nonstop indictment of President Obama’s policies in Syria. When he had finished it was clear that the President was entirely responsible for all of the Syrian deaths. I heard no dissenting voices from any of the women present. Dissenting from an anti-Obama tirade from such an august personage as a WSJ editorial staffer might well risk unemployment for the dissenter. Fox does not take kindly to unhappy campers; Andrea Tantaros, formerly of “Outnumbered,” knows about that. She sued Fox and now she’s gone.

Given Fox’s predisposition to favor Trump and all things Republican, one wonders how the pretense of “fair and balanced” can be maintained. There are other more obvious examples. Matt Drudge in his Drudge Report claims that the Obama administration is telling lies about the severity of the Hurricane that has devastated the Caribbean and now is threatening Florida. This, Drudge tells us, is because the Obama administration wants to make a stronger case for the perils of global warming. Just forget the three hundred plus deaths the hurricane has caused across the Caribbean; those are just government lies.

The premier conspiracy theorist is Alex Jones. This guy has his own radio show in Texas and he’ll broadcast some amazingly unbelievable stuff. Even so there are lots of gullible people who will believe whatever Alex says.
We begin with his assertion that the government was behind the Oklahoma City bombing. Tim McVeigh was convicted of this crime that killed 168 people but Alex Jones is sure the government had a hand in the crime and, apparently some people believe him
You will be happy to know that no children died in the Sandy Hook school shooting. The 27 fatalities were not fatalities at all because these were all actors, just young kids coached to play dead. The scheme was designed to push a global initiative to stop Americans from owning guns and make it easier for these globalists to take over our country. Lots of people believe that but none of the parents of the dead kids and not all that many other sane citizens.
How about that moon landing; you know that was faked. Alex Jones says so and that’s good enough for many folks.
Trump had assured us until very recently that the President wasn’t born in this country and so his presidency was illegitimate.
Why do people fall for so many simply ridiculous stories? I have no idea but when we find out we’ll understand why so many want to vote for Donald Trump.

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