Saturday, August 22, 2015

Aug 22nd

As everyone knows, last night was Donald Trump’s speech to the faithful, or at least to the curious, in Mobile, Alabama. There is some disagreement about the turnout. Fox News had it at well over 30 thousand people, but other networks had it closer to 20 thousand. However many it was, and it was surely many, it was many more than any other Republican has been able to attract. Trump is getting right up there with Bernie Sanders’ crowd appeal. Of course no one on Fox News mentioned that comparison and certainly no one mentioned it to Trump.

Trump once again showed that he was willing to manufacture facts as needed; specifically with regard to South Korea now much in the news. Trump claimed that we have 48.5 thousand troops there protecting that country. Unless we recently added 20 thousand the number is 28.5 thousand. Then Trump complained that we aren’t paid for this protection. Actually South Korea pays all of our expenses for keeping those troops there. That information wouldn’t fit well with Trump’s agenda which is that everyone takes advantage of poor us.

In his comments about how we defend other countries without charge he didn’t mention Israel, which receives 3 billion dollars a year of our tax money. The thanks we get are Israeli agents pushing our Congress to do what is in Israel’s best interests and TV ads trashing the Iran agreement. That would surely be something for Trump to complain about but not a word from Trump except for him to tell us that he will be a better friend of Israel than any other candidate.

Trump also tells his audience that he will be the greatest job creator ever; he will bring jobs back from China, from Mexico and from wherever else they might have gone. Unfortunately he says not one word about how he will bring this about, picky, picky. Trust the man; doesn’t he look trustworthy? How could you have amassed all that money, attracted three beautiful wives, fly around in a multimillion dollar airplane if you weren’t trustworthy?

One tiny inconsistency appears: Trump wants to deport all of 12 million or so illegal Latino immigrants and their families. (I’ve already commented on the problems with that.) Assuming it will cost about a thousand dollars for each deportee that will come to about 120 billion dollars, not counting the roundup and holding tank costs. (Maybe rounding up, building camps for, and then guarding 12 million illegals provides some of the jobs Trump promises to create.) But hasn’t Trump claimed that he would confiscate the money these immigrants are sending back to Mexico and use that money to build his wall? If he sends these immigrants out of the country where will he get the money to build that magnificent wall? I’m afraid we’ll have a very long wait to find out. Meanwhile folks, just enjoy the carnival; it will be something for your kids to tell their grandchildren about.


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