Sunday, August 9, 2015

Aug 9th

No villain emerges today so I’ll comment on some who have been around a while. First we have that gentleman and scholar, Donald Trump, whose thin skin manifested itself on the Fox debate stage Thursday night. The first question was certainly designed to put Trump in a corner. The group was asked to raise a hand if they could not support whoever was chosen as the nominee. This was asking Trump to declare that he would not run as an independent if he didn’t like the way the candidate ball bounced. He didn’t knuckle under and raised his hand; surprise surprise…and he was not happy to be the obvious butt of the first question.

Then they hit him again; Megyn Kelly asked him why he was so nasty to women interviewers. Well, provoke a rattlesnake and it’ll strike at you. Trump accused this poor woman of being out to get him, of having blood in her eye and “wherever.” This was an obvious accusation that Kelly’s upset was attributable to her menstrual period. Asked later if his comments were out of line his handlers indignantly (and hilariously) claimed that the “wherever” meant her nose, blood coming out of her nose. That only a deviant could think he (Trump) meant anything else. But if he meant nose why didn’t he say nose at the time, instead of saying wherever?

Poor Donald, (?) who because of his wealth, has never had to worry about how his comments affect anybody, is now playing in a very different ball park. His remarks got him disinvited to a Red State rally in Alabama where he would have been the keynote speaker. Oh Pshaw! His ratings out today are affected not at all.

As an aside: The lovely blonde interlocutor, Megyn Kelly, who asked the question that got Donald into trouble, is no stranger to “misspeaking.” A year or so ago, as Christmas closed in, there was some comment about kids who weren’t white identifying with a white Santa Claus. Ms. Kelly, quickly seizing the anti-politically correct torch and waving it high, claimed, “Santa Claus is white. Deal with it!” This comforting word to Santa Claus fans was followed by, “Jesus Christ was white too.”

Not entirely true. Saint Nicholas was Turkish and Jesus was a Levantine Middle-Eastern Jew so we are not describing a pair of pail skinned blue–eyed blondes here. Kelly was asked to explain her remarks because many people were upset by them. Guess what: they were a joke, that’s right—Megyn said it was all a joke. In fact, if you listen to her explanation she is very upset that her listeners didn’t understand the obvious humor in claiming that Santa Claus and Jesus Christ were white. Megyn should stay with Fox because she will never make it as a comic… on second thought?  This is not to excuse Donald Trump’s boorish comment about Megyn Kelly, but it is possible that in some twisted sense they deserve each other.

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