Monday, September 14, 2015

Buchanan Sept 14th

Buchanan’s column today is titled, “Kim Davis fighting judicial tyranny.” As I’ve written, this issue has been thoroughly covered and Buchanan adds nothing new. I’m sure newspaper editors must take what they get when they agree to publish a columnist’s work, but paying to read these remarks now is not different from paying to read other bits of last week’s news.

Buchanan writes, “Some conservatives say that Kim Davis as a public official has to carry out court orders, even those she believes to be immoral, or quit. Yet the course she took has undeniably advanced her cause in our culture war.” That’s silly!  I would guess that most conservatives believe in the rule of law, George Will certainly does. Maybe Buchanan should read his column. Jeb Bush says that Davis has sworn to uphold the law. Donald Trump says that “same sex marriage is the law of the land.” Even the first runner up in the Miss America contest slammed Kim Davis’ stand. Her stand is more about holding on to that 80 thousand dollar a year job than it is about religious belief. She was willing to go to jail but not willing to give up her job, money talks!

Buchanan has brought up other “lawbreakers” like Rosa Parks and even Martin Luther King as a comparison with Kim Davis. These people were trying to gain inclusion; Kim Davis is aiming to exclude people. The more appropriate comparison would be with Governor George Wallace who “stood in the schoolhouse door” fighting against school integration until federal authorities removed him. Notice again that Wallace also wanted to exclude people.

Buchanan’s bigotry is clearly in evidence here. He has demonstrated his homophobia over and over and nowhere more obviously than in this column. As Carlos Maza writing for “Equality Matters” has written, “Pat Buchanan remains an anti-gay bigot. There really is no other way to put it. On Friday, conservative commentator Pat Buchanan (who also has his issues on race and religion issues) wrote a piece for WorldNetDaily headlined “Let’s hear it for prejudice” (not a joke). Buchanan laments New York’s recent decision to embrace marriage equality, arguing that homosexuality is “unnatural and immoral” while calling same-sex marriage “an Orwellian absurdity” (also not a joke).

William F. Buckley wrote a 40 thousand word piece for “The national Review” in 1991 which concluded that Buchanan was indeed a bigot; this was anti-Semitic bigotry however. One thing about Buchanan, he is an equal opportunity bigot: Jews, homosexuals and African-Americans are all included; none of them is particularly favored.

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