Sunday, September 13, 2015

G. Will on D. Trump, Sept 13th

This morning George Will unloads on Donald Trump; prior to that he has some uncomplimentary things to say about the following: Huckabee, Jindal, Paul, Walker and Cruz. These worthy Republicans climbed aboard the Kim Davis bandwagon, all of them lamenting the court’s refusal to let ignore her sworn county government responsibilities to cater to her religious beliefs. Kim was quite willing to go to jail for her beliefs but certainly not willing to give up an 80 thousand dollar a year county clerk’s job; sacrificing for religious beliefs has its limits for Kim Davis.

Then George Will takes on Donald Trump. Trump criticized Jeb Bush for answering, in Spanish, a question asked of him in Spanish. Will pointed out that Lincoln himself had bought a German language newspaper and was taking German lessons. Poor Donald. But Trump takes delight in being admired by Kanye West so he must appeal to the “rap” crowd.

Then Trump complains that Japan is pouring cars into this country and refusing to consume our beef. He’s wrong of course, because most of these Japanese cars are assembled here of parts also made here. In 2012 Toyota employed 31 thousand Americans. Will quotes Nikki Haley, Governor of South Carolina, who claims that South Carolina is home to five foreign owned tire companies, a bicycle company recently moved back here from China, a flat screen TV company, and the largest BMW plant in the world, one that produces a BMW every minute. All of this done, I assume, by our incredibly stupid trade negotiators.

Then we have Trump claiming that hedge fund managers pay too little income tax, that we need a single payer health insurance plan and other non-conservatively correct ideas.

George Will has demonstrated what everyone already knew; that Donald Trump “is a loud malleable mess.” OK, I certainly agree; now perhaps George will tell us why Donald Trump has chosen to run for President as a Republican. Could it be that Trump believes his antics have a particular appeal to many Republicans?  I’ll bet he does and apparently he’s right!

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