Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Fiorina Sept 16th

Donald Trump made some ungentlemanly remarks denigrating Carly Fiorina’s face; then he tried to back out of his comments by saying that he was talking about her “persona.” Now that’s lame! It’s lame but it isn’t surprising because he did the same thing when he was incensed at Megyn Kelly for asking him questions he didn’t like. He claimed she was so angry she was bleeding “from her eyes…and her whatever.” He obviously meant that she was upset because she was menstruating but he didn’t say that, and then when called to task about his comment he insisted that he meant no such thing, he really meant her nose. Then why didn’t he say that? Trump will back up pathetically fast when his mouth gets him in certain kinds of trouble.

In tonight’s debate, which is no debate at all but is rather a Q&A period, Fiorina claims that she has some remarks for Trump. She did well in the last debate, albeit at the kiddies’ table, so great things are expected of her tonight. Fiorina needs to be very careful here because she is sitting on a powder keg. No one has taken a match to it yet but eventually someone will and while Fiorina has her pat speech excusing her disastrous performance at H-P this mess is very different. google_share|article-5979947|article-share-redesign|6

Former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina still owes nearly $500,000 to creditors from her failed 2010 Senate campaign to unseat Barbara Boxer.Back to Gallerygallery_thumbs_close|article-gallery-5979947|article-gallery-5979947|0  This information, including exactly how much money Fiorina owes and to whom she owes it is readily available on the net. It is interesting that the Fox News moderators in the last debate never asked Fiorina about this interesting bit of information and neither did any of the other participants. Tonight might be different; it will be fun to see how long it will take before someone fires up the powder keg upon which Ms. Fiorina is perched.


Suppose Fiorina has paid off this debt; she could do it any time and knowing that it’s hanging over her head should be a considerable motivator to get rid of it. She can surely afford to pay it off; she is worth millions. The blot will still be there because she did stiff these folks for years. Paying them off now doesn’t change that.


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