Thursday, November 17, 2016

2016 Nov 17th

One of my very favorite columnists, Cal Thomas, the former VP of the now defunct Moral Majority continues to hold forth with a newspaper column. The Record Eagle periodically inflicts his opinions on its readers. They did that again this morning. Thomas’ column has taken on the task of “Advising the President Elect.”
He begins by complaining about the many pundits who formerly opposed Trump and are now suggesting that he pull back on the promises that got him elected. …And what were those promises again? He said the no Muslims should be admitted to the country “until we find out what the hell is going on.” I guess he found out because he changed that to not admitting people from countries unstable because of Muslim activity. The point is that Trump changes his position whenever he feels like it; no reasons are given.
He has also said he would deport the children of aliens even though they were born here and are American citizens. Thomas is unhappy that the ACLU’s “army of lawyers  and volunteers will be employed to thwart Trumps agenda.” If deporting citizens because their parents are here illegally is part of Trump’s agenda then good for the ACLU.
There is also the business of killing the families of terrorists if that is required to kill the terrorists; he has no problem with it. He will water board captives and apparently has no problem with torture either…and I guess neither does Cal Thomas, this former Moral Majority member.

Thomas then gives Trump some advice about taxes. Trump‘s plan has already cut the top tax rates enough to save him a bundle and then he wants to eliminate the estate tax and that will save him several billions more. Trump’s latest plan would reduce federal revenues by $6.2 trillion over the next decade, with nearly half of the tax cuts going to the highest-income one percent of households.   
Never mind the national debt, Cal Thomas wants to enrich the rich even more; he wants a  “flat or fair tax” Now Thomas believes the same tax rate for the guy earning 40 thousand a year with three kids and the Donald Trump types pulling in a half billion a year is fair? That isn’t even worth a comment.

Thomas says that we should “start building the wall but announce that to help pay for it a toll system will be implemented charging people who cross our border in either direction. Drivers have to pay a toll to get into and out of Manhattan. Why not tolls for getting in and out of America?” Gee Cal, what happens if you fly? What a splendid way to produce a new level of bureaucracy.
Finally, Cal wants students to avoid “government schools.” When poor children are “liberated from government schools and their grades and outlook on life improves that evidence will be proof enough that school choice was a success.” The “government schools” Thomas is talking about here must be local schools; the only federal government schools I know about are on army posts. Thomas believes that the educational benefit of his private schools should be determined by student’s grades (determined by their teachers) and the kid’s “outlook on life.” Any objective evidence that junior has actually learned anything is irrelevant.

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