Tuesday, November 8, 2016

2016 Nov 8th

This is election day. (As if any sentient person doesn’t know that.) So the networks big and absurd will start regaling us with the opinions of their very well paid commentators many hours before the polls close. Ah, but some polls have already closed. In New Hampshire, there are some tiny precincts with so few voters that the polls can be closed because everyone eligible has already voted. Clinton won the very first contest…with four votes to Trump’s two votes. Stay tuned.

For those sufficiently addicted, the analysis will begin at 2 PM on CNN a full five hours before any polls close (excepting the afore mentioned New Hampshire rurals). Most of the analytics have Clinton winning handily; Daily Kos, a rabidly left wing outfit, but one still priding itself on getting it right, also has the senate tied, but with a reasonable shot at a 51 vote majority. Without a majority (Remember, the VP votes in the case of ties.) in the senate, a Clinton victory would be worth a lot less. In fact, without at least a tie in the senate, a Clinton presidency would be paralyzed no matter how large an Electoral College majority she can accomplish.

It would be interesting to watch Fox News tonight. I looked at them recently and their “Surrounded” program placing two short-skirted women on either side of a male “guest” continued with faux outrage at the Clinton emails. (It is fascinating that “Surrounded” never has two young men sitting on either side of a female guest.)
I remember four years ago when Fox showed Carl Rove running down a hall outraged that Fox had called Ohio for Obama and insisting that they had made a mistake. How will they handle tonight’s disaster? We have a hint: last night a polling place in Las Vegas was kept open to allow those already in line to eventually vote. This is common practice everywhere voting occurs but apparently not in Trumpland, The Trumpsters want those ballots held is a separate pile so that their legality can be questioned. The “rigging” complaints have begun.

There is a rumor that Trump has selected his Attorney General and his Secretary of State. They are respectively, Rudy Giuliani and Newt Gingrich; nothing like a Secretary of State who has anger management issues. Oh well, first Trump has to get elected. I think we’re safe.

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