Wednesday, July 15, 2015

July 15th

Mona Charen’s piece today is titled “Democrats are holding the Trump Card.” No they aren’t; the Republicans are holding it and it’s burning their fingers.

Mona then buries her lead by going on to be horrified by the new agreement with Iran. She tells us that the result will surely be nuclear bombs over Tel Aviv and New York “in the near term.”  Mona is at least as concerned about Tel Aviv as she is about New York, with Chicago coming in a very poor third, perhaps because she has been vacuuming up Netanyahu’s angst about this agreement.  Certainly the Republican faithful are uniformly furious with the Obama administration and with John Kerry. As far as they are concerned the end of the world is at hand because Iran will now cheat and develop the bomb. Of course without the agreement Iran will surely develop the bomb anyway but nobody mentions that. We have survived North Korea having the bomb, Pakistan having the bomb, Israel,India and China having the Bomb. Maybe we can live with Iran having the bomb because we may not have a choice. Are we going back to having fourth graders hiding under their desks?

Then Mona is off on another rant, now, about illegal immigration. She claims that “the left, always panting to push grievance buttons transforms illegal immigrants into another clientele…they establish “sanctuary cities” as if enforcing immigration laws amounts to persecution.” Oh my goodness, poor Mona; now she believes that illegal immigrants will somehow get the vote and wind up in the Democratic camp because the Democrats aren’t hounding them. The administration’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) deported over 300 thousand immigrants just last year. That’s being friendly to immigrants?

Then Mona takes a crack at “sanctuary cities” these include most major cities, even some in Texas! This term does not mean that illegal aliens are safe from deportation if they can get to these cities, although it appears that Mona thinks they are. These cities prohibit their officers from stopping people on the street and inquiring about their citizenship status. Federal officers can arrest and deport any illegal alien in any so called sanctuary city. These cities will not use their citizen’s tax funds to enforce this federal law. If this weren’t agreeable with the citizens in these cities then it would be changed.

Mona finally gets around to the Trump fallacy: She points out that the net immigration from Mexico into the United States since 2005 has been zero. Mexico’s birthrate has fallen from 6.72 children per woman to 2.1 and it continues to decline. Mona claims that in 1960 half the U.S. work force consisted of high school dropouts. Now it’s just six percent. So who do we get to fill low skill jobs? We’ll soon have to encourage more immigrants. Isn’t that a stitch; Trump must hurry with his xenophobia before this word gets out.

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