Tuesday, July 28, 2015

July 28th

In this morning’s Record Eagle the editor has devoted a two column editorial to the recent scandal of Planned Parenthood (PP) officials haggling over the sale of baby body parts; this while buyers and sellers are “enjoying” lunch no less! The writer of the editorial is vastly upset by the whole thing.

This is the second of three nicely edited films done by the “Center for Medical Progress” (CMP) that apparently physician-less outfit I described in yesterday’s blog. A new name has surfaced which wasn’t on their website yesterday; it is the founder and chief conspirator David Daleiden. Up until pulling this scam on Planned Parenthood, the Center for Medical Progress had devoted itself to fighting the Affordable Care Act, now we know their true target.

The undercover scam has worked very well. Even a sophisticated newspaper editor has fallen for it. In fact he’s so upset he has not been willing to attach the honorific “Dr.” to Dr. Gatter’s name the first time he mentions it. The PP physicians are said to “dance around” restriction on procedures. If he had said “violate” he could have been sued, dance around is safer and conveys what’s necessary. Then much is made of the two PP physicians willing to “discuss” altering abortion procedures.  Altering is illegal; discussing isn’t. Then another incriminating insinuation; one physician says that she will talk to a surgeon to see if he will alter his procedures. Saying that, of course, proves that the physician will indeed do exactly that. (This fine car will never leak oil!)

This con by Deleiden is well planned and designed to outrage just the sorts of people who have been outraged. He makes sure the discussion takes place over lunch. Indeed the editor has us picture a physician thinking about harvesting a body part, “she muses as she enjoys her salad.” Think about how bland this discussion would have been had it taken place in a conference room, “she muses as she twirls her pencil.” That won’t do at all.

This has had two major effects: first is a drastic reduction of fetal tissue available for research. The U. of Colorado president has already been harangued by his local congressman wanting to know if the University uses any fetal tissue for research and if so they should stop it immediately. This is a state school which lives or dies on government funds; guess what they’ll do. Second, tomorrow the Congress will vote to defund Planned Parenthood. That will probably carry thanks to Daleiden. This means a reduction in various cancer screenings provided by PP as well as a reduction in contraceptive counselling and then a likely increase in the need for the abortions that PP will have a reduced ability to provide as well.

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