Monday, July 6, 2015

July 6th

Cal Thomas asks if he is allowed to repeat himself on his comments about the Iran nuclear deal. He answers “yes” because he says that’s what Iran is doing. (Frankly, I believe it’s more about taking some time off for the Fourth of July holiday.)

Thomas claims that Iran is not to be trusted to keep its word on the negotiations now in progress. Of course they aren’t, and no one claims they are to be trusted. That’s why this deal is replete with inspections. If our negotiators don’t get what they want regarding these inspections then the sanctions remain in effect. Thomas repeats the warning that the “Koran allows them to lie to ‘infidels’ in pursuit of their goals, could someone please explain how any agreement with liars forces them to stop lying?” Let me try: Perhaps Cal remembers way back to the Reagan administration which, when dealing with the Soviets, who were also considered untrustworthy, borrowed the phrase “trust, but verify” from the Soviets themselves. There will be many safeguards although not as many as Cal Thomas (and Israel) want.

Thomas says that the United States is in retreat around the world. This is demonstrated by China and their construction of tiny islands as well as Russian aggression in the Ukraine. These issues are supposed to show the weakness of the United States’ position. Thomas, as usual, has no suggestions about how these issues should be addressed.

It is clear from their comments that neither Russia nor China wants a nuclear armed Iran. I would guess that neither of them is happy about a nuclear armed North Korea either. Most realistic observers predict that Iran will eventually have nuclear weapons no matter what we do. Our best course is to consider just how we will deal with that eventuality. Condemning Iran’s religious views gets us nowhere.

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