Monday, July 27, 2015

July 27th

Cal Thomas is delighted today because the “Center for Medical Progress” has trapped some Planned Parenthood Physicians into talking about selling fetal tissue. I checked out this “Center for Medical Progress” and guess what? The “Center for Medical Progress” doesn’t employ any physicians. There are three names listed: Paul Howard who has a Ph.D. in political science, there is Peter Huber who has a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering and there is Avik Roy who has “studied” at MIT and Yale but for whom no degrees are listed. Most of the “medical progress” this center is pushing consists of denigrating “Obamacare.”

Thomas tells us that “Republican presidential candidates denounced the practice of fetal organ harvesting.” Yes indeed, and so they should, much better that this tissue be discarded as medical waste rather than use it to help save a life. it’s so much more ethical to just throw it away because that way there won’t be some Cal Thomas to pass judgment about it. Cal, you see, is a big time judgment passer; he is past vice president of the Moral Majority and those folks are some of the most awesome judgment passers this country has ever seen.

Like most of the virulent anti-abortion types, Cal Thomas is certainly not in favor of contraceptives. This is in spite of the obvious fact that available contraception will certainly reduce unwanted pregnancies and thus reduce abortions. In fact, abortions have dropped 12 percent in the last five years. Those who have made abortion more difficult to get as well as Planned Parenthood want credit for this drop. The data favor the Affordable Care Act, because now long term contraceptive help is available to many women who previously could not afford it. There is also a substantial drop in teen pregnancies and in teen abortions. Cal Thomas doesn’t discuss this decline. I wonder why.

Thomas becomes quite incensed about all this; he tells us that “It is the inevitable outcome when moral boundaries are removed…if we are of no greater moral value than a hamburger, and if human value is to be assigned by the courts, then we are all potentially at risk of extermination should we become inconvenient or too expensive to sustain.” …This man can be nudged toward hyperbole by a gnat on his nose. As an example of his occasional lack of control he recently said that Rachel Maddow, a liberal commentator, was “the best argument I know of for birth control.” He seems to have reconsidered that remark and subsequently apologized to Rachel Maddow for having made it. Controlling himself to start with, I guess, is not an option.




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