Wednesday, July 13, 2016

2016 July 13th

Today we go back a full year to July 12, 2015, to see that little has changed. Here are my comments in the blog about Donald Trump on that day:
July 12th
There was no detritus yesterday; sometimes those pesky little electrons refuse to cooperate. Today we have the spectacle of Donald Trump’s Phoenix, Arizona, appearance. Mr. Trump gave what seemed to be an impromptu seventy-minute speech. I say impromptu because his talk wondered around like a mentally challenged child looking for a ball lost in a hayfield.
Mr. Trump’s flacks describe this as a “massive rally.” What else would a Trump rally be but “massive?” Consider that Trump’s rally drew about 5 thousand people from Phoenix, a city of 1.5 million people. Bernie Sanders drew 7.5 thousand people from Portland, Maine, a city of about 65 thousand people, and Trump is crowing about his drawing power?
Trump has been an equal opportunity supporter of political causes. Up until 2010 he had given slightly more money to Democratic political candidates than to Republicans. He even supported Rahm Emmanuel’s bid for Mayor of Chicago and Harry Reid’s 2010 Senate run against Sharon Angle. Trump claimed that he was too smart to contribute to candidates who had no chance of winning, so of course he contributed to some Democrats in solidly blue states. That’s nonsense because in Reid’s case the race was very close and could have gone either way. I’m sure that Trump’s financial interests in Las Vegas had not a thing to do with his contribution to Harry Reid.
Trump, as most everyone knows, was the birther-in-chief. He is not, even now, satisfied that Obama was born in the United States. He just doesn’t want to talk about it anymore. Who can blame him; if you aspire to the presidency, your previous absurd beliefs are best disregarded. Besides, he has new absurdities.
He is a climate change denier. He will probably wait until the seawater starts sloshing into his International Beach Resort hotel lobby in Florida before he recognizes the problem. He will surely support Governor Rick Scott’s ban on even the term “climate change.” Next Trump will favor a ban on George Orwell’s “1984” because reading that book will open the public’s eyes to the insanity of the Florida Governor’s position.
When asked about SCOTUS decision on gay marriage Trump, in an interview, asserted that he favored traditional marriage. Jake Tapper, the interviewer, then asked him how having had three wives comported with “traditional marriage.” Trump admitted that Tapper had a good point (What else could he say?). Then blamed himself because his demanding businesses kept him involved “22 hours a day.”
Trump is the ultimate snake oil salesman. “What! You’ve used this fine product and had no relief? Dear lady you must be patient. Here, I’ll give you a ten percent discount if you buy a case of Dr. Trump’s salts. It will last you for a month;” giving him adequate time to get out of town. But Trump isn’t leaving and for that all liberals can be thankful.
P.S. And now a year later, what has changed?

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