Saturday, July 16, 2016

2016 July 16th

In the “Times” book review (July 17th 2016) that we get weekly, there is, at the top of the “non-fiction” list, “Crisis of Character” written by Gary J. Byrne and Grant M. Schmidt. This book by a former secret service agent and his co-author is designed for the many customers seeking another hatchet job on Hillary Clinton. Save your money.
Much of the book is about Bill Clinton and his sexually magnetic attraction for women; Hillary is not mentioned favorably, but most of the book is devoted to the author’s difficulties as a secret service agent. For the many Clinton haters this will be a magnet for their money. (Be aware that there is also a well-regarded mystery writer named Gary J. Byrnes. Co-author Grant M. Schmidt has yet to make much of a mark in the literary world and his effort here won’t help that.)
There are plenty of books unfavorable to Donald Trump, although none was written by insiders because Trump requires a non-disclosure pledge from all close employees. Trump’s dealings with the New York mob that controlled much of the construction industry would make good reading. Nicky Scarfo, a union boss, could do a great expose. But then that would also expose “Little Nicky.”

Books like “Crisis of Character,” whether about Clinton or about Trump, certainly don’t budge the candidates’ true believers; nothing will budge a true believer. If you look at the attendees at a Trump rally, his weakness as a candidate is obvious; the faces at the rally are all white. Trump’s appeal to minorities is nearly non-existent. “That is my African American over there,” said Trump as he pointed to a single black face in his crowd. Buchanan says Trump should not apologize for such insults. Buchanan is right; If he apologized for such remarks he would do nothing but constantly apologize and no one would believe that his apologies were sincere anyway. In addition, he would risk losing some marginal fans and he would surely gain none.

This election is about who can be portrayed more negatively. Few people are really voting for Donald Trump, they are voting against Hillary Clinton. Similarly, many votes for Clinton are really votes against Donald Trump. Many voters have an absolute horror of the candidate from the other party winning the election. Clinton’s negatives, though they are many, cannot persuade the Trump despisers to vote against her.

Clinton’s advantage is that Trump’s negatives continue to build because he cannot resist making an outrageous comment if it will produce the audience applause to which he is addicted.

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