Thursday, January 19, 2017

2017 Jan 19th

Sean Spicer, Trump’s new press secretary, held a press conference today where the members of the press could ask him questions and where he could present the press with the new party-line. This conference was, at least in part, an advertisement for Trump’s new Washington D.C. hotel, which Spicer declared was beautiful beyond belief, or words to that effect. He told members of the press that they should visit this splendid construction as soon as they could. They’ll all have to wait until after inaugural week because Trump has banned them from visiting his hotel until then. Wouldn’t you think his press secretary would know that? No, I guess you wouldn’t.
Spicer also declared that Trump had “brought it in on time and under budget.” In the interest of full disclosure, he said nothing about the lawsuits filed by unpaid contractors trying to get their money. Not paying venders is a big help in bringing projects in under budget. Trump has done this before and that behavior is responsible for dozens of the lawsuits he now faces.
Spicer was asked about the slow pace of Trump’s replacement of cabinet officials and other appointees needed to run the government. Spicer said that this was all the Democrat’s fault. You see these Democrats want to ask these petty questions of these remarkably able and dedicated people who are eager to serve in Mr. Trump’s cabinet and in lesser roles. The Republicans are holding hearings on several of Trump’s cabinet appointees every day. In some cases the hearings allow only five minutes for a Senator to question a Trump prospective cabinet member.
Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt has been suing the EPA over regulations designed to keep poisons out of our air and water. Oklahoma is run by the oil and gas industry and Scott Pruitt is their obedient servant. Now Trump has appointed him head of the EPA the very agency he has been suing. So the Republicans allow Democratic Senators five minutes each to ask Scott Pruitt how he will handle this unique problem. But we must not slow up Trump’s transition by asking needless questions.
The last Trump cabinet appointee was presented to us just yesterday; it is Sonny Perdue. Perdue is a Georgia politician who has served several terms as governor and holds a D.V.M. degree from the University of Georgia.  That seems all to the good, but why wait until two days before his inauguration to announce the selection? Surely it’s all the Democrat’s fault.

From the campaign’s announcements, we will see the end to funding such unnecessaries as The National Endowment for the Humanities, National Public Radio, National Endowment for the Arts and all similar wastes of taxpayer money. What a fun four years lie ahead.

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