Friday, January 20, 2017

2017 Jan 20th

I thought this would be an ideal time for an ISIS attack.  If terrorists can pull off a successful attack on this new president with all the world watching and Trump being guarded as well as our security services can guard him, that would be quite a coup. On the other hand…
If ISIS, or similar terrorist groups, truly hate this country and want to see it humiliated or destroyed why would they want to attack Donald J. Trump? After all Russia, a country which hardly wishes us well, is delighted to see him elected president so why wouldn’t all the terrorist groups feel the same way? Maybe Russia will send some Spetznaz boys over here to help the Secret Service protect him. There is always the possibility that Trump could arrange with Putin to hire some Russian special force people as additional bodyguards.

The man has now been sworn in and has given his inaugural speech. The speech was pure Trump as most had expected. In spite of the presence of past Presidents who showed up for the occasion as a courtesy, Trump felt it necessary to slam the progress of the country under their leadership.
There are protests in the streets along the parade route and the police are generous with the pepper spray and the plastic handcuffs. These protesters are protesting against Donald Trump and they are protesting against Hillary Clinton and they are protesting against congress and against all rules and regulations. In short they are anarchists. The interviewer found them breaking car windows, breaking sore windows and setting trashcans on fire. They are dressed in black with their faces hooded. This is what Trump, the law and order candidate has produced. Remember his rants against unnecessary regulations. The anarchists agree because they see all laws as unnecessary regulations. Fortunately, this is a tiny portion of those protesting. Tomorrow there will be massive protests in many states, including Washington D.C., when the women march on Washington to protest Trump’s presidency.
It cannot escape Trump’s notice that tickets to his inauguration went begging. The estimates of attendance range from 700 to 900 thousand people. Obama’s second term drew about 1.3 million, his first term crowd was over 1.8 million people. It will be fun to see how Sean Spicer, Trump’s press secretary, and the old reliable Kellyanne Conway, handle the smaller than expected crowds. Fox News will be the place to get the latest unfiltered Trumpian propaganda about why it’s all Hillary Clinton’s fault.
Trump’s inaugural speech was outstanding; meaning that it literally stood out from other inaugural addresses for its meanness. Most inaugural speeches try to bring the country together after what is always a divisive election. This election was more divisive than most; the protests against Trump will continues into next week. Far more people voted against him than voted for him. Trump remains in combat mode and some of that is against  traditional conservative Republican positions. If he expects to get anything accomplished that is not a good position to take.

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