Saturday, August 13, 2016

2016 August 13th

Jason Gillman lost his primary bid for a seat in the Michigan State house. That hasn’t stopped him from embarrassing the Grand Traverse Republican Party. He has managed to lead the local party pols to vote Governor Milliken, the most prominent Michigan Republican and a decorated WW 2 war veteran, out of the Republican Party. What an embarrassment, not an embarrassment for Governor Milliken, but certainly an embarrassment for the county pols.
Milliken is considered a moderate Republican. He served as Michigan’s governor from 1969 to 1983 and he was enormously popular. He was also a WW 2 veteran, a waist gunner on B-24s with 50 missions to his credit and a survivor of several crash landings. (Mr. Gillman has survived several Republican primaries.)
It is a different time, but Trump has driven away many staunch Republicans who cannot abide the man’s bigotry and his lies. Even Michigan’s Governor Snyder has not endorsed Donald Trump and probably won’t do so. Milliken has gone a step further; he will vote for Hillary Clinton. He has lots of company, even Meg Whitman the CEO of Hewlett Packard Enterprise has said she will vote for Hillary Clinton.  If your goal is to send Trump back to his real estate business, then you vote for Hillary Clinton; you don’t just avoid voting for Donald Trump. For those who see Trump’s presidency as a danger to the republic there is no real choice.

It is interesting to note that Governor Milliken has taken this route before and that his decisions to put his country ahead of his party have contributed to the local pols, at Gillman’s urging, declaring him no longer a Republican. I cannot imagine what the RNC thinks about this. Part of the justification for this absurdity was, as Gillman pointed out, Milliken backed John Kerry for president in 2004. How wonderful it was to have Bush-Cheney for four more years; to drive up the national debt, kill and cripple more Americans and end that presidential term by losing nearly 800 thousand jobs a month. (You do know that the “weapons of mass destruction” were there, but they were spirited away by Russian Special Forces, which is why we never found them.) If you think that’s farfetched realize that 54 percent of Republicans believe President Obama is a Muslim, 44 percent believe he wasn’t born in this country and 26 percent aren’t sure whether he was born here or not. At least 20 percent of Republicans believe that President Obama is the anti-Christ!
This extends beyond politics because 7 percent of the population believes that the moon landing wasn’t on the moon at all but was in the back lot of some movie studio. How can this be? Keep in mind that it is a statistical fact that one-half the population has an IQ under 100 and that 50 million have an IQ under 85. It’s a wonder Trump isn’t doing better!

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