Thursday, August 4, 2016

2016 August 4th

Donald Trump asks an advisor on nuclear weapons, “If we have these why can’t we use them?”
Hillary Clinton lies about her emails.
Donald Trump claimed the speechless mother of a dead Army captain killed in Iraq was silent on TV while her husband spoke was because her religion forbade her to speak.
Hillary Clinton lies about her emails.
Donald Trump says Speaker Paul Ryan asked for his support but Ryan insists he has done no such thing.
Hillary Clinton lies about her emails.
Donald Trump, when told that Putin kills journalists defends him by saying that we kill people too.
Hillary Clinton lies about her emails.
Donald Trump says that Putin will never invade Ukraine, “You can take it to the bank.” But the Russians were already in the Ukraine.
Hillary Clinton lies about her emails.
Donald Trump says that we should re-think our NATO treaty obligations.
Hillary Clinton lies about her emails.
Donald Trump believes that we should encourage Japan and South Korea to develop nuclear weapons to defend themselves.
Hillary Clinton lies about her emails.
Donald Trump, in front of thousands at one of his rallies, mimics and ridicules a handicapped reporter who suffers from athetoid palsy. Then, when faced with the video, claims he didn’t do it.
Hillary Clinton lies about her emails.
Donald Trump invites Russia to break into the State Department email servers and produce the 30 thousand lost Clinton emails.
Hillary Clinton lies about her emails.
Donald Trump complains about Hillary Clinton’s speaking fees of several hundred thousand dollars each.  His proposed income tax plan, if enacted, will save him 66 million a year.
Hillary Clinton lies about her emails.
Donald Trump got a fake Purple Heart medal from a fan who told him the medal was a copy but Trump announced to the crowd that it was real and that he had always wanted one. Trump got five deferments during the Viet Nam war.

Hillary Clinton has lied about her emails. Isn’t that awful!

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