Sunday, August 14, 2016

2016 August 14th

Katrina Pierson, Kaleigh Mcenany and Trump’s other paid sycophants are in a swivet trying to keep up with “Mr. Trump’s” various sudden shifts in position. Trump, given multiple chances to dance away from his silly assertion the President Obama “founded” ISIS  continues to insist that he didn’t mean that Obama laid the groundwork for ISIS by withdrawing troops from Iraq, no indeed, he meant just what he said, that President Obama founded ISIS. His surrogates, and that includes Fox News, continued to insist he didn’t mean what he said in spite of Trump continuing to insist that he certainly did mean just what he said.
Now he has changed course again; now he claims he is not fighting against Hillary Clinton but against the “crooked” press. He is particularly unhappy with the New York Times. (He has already withdrawn the credentials of the Washington Post for a variety of offenses.) The Times has published an article about the internal problems the Trump campaign is having keeping the candidate on message and away from spending his rapidly vanishing time battling irrelevant issues like his press coverage.
We know what happens if anyone criticizes Donald J. Trump; he ignites immediately. Indeed, in this case, he demonstrates exactly the issue the Times claims his campaign is concerned about. He and his campaign have insisted that there is no disagreement among his campaign staffers, that everyone of Trump’s people are just delighted with their progress and that the Times’ story is a pack of lies. Of course they say that; what else would you expect them to say?
What are these poor Trump supporters to do now because Trump has begun to talk about losing the election. He has said that if he loses it’s no big deal, he’ll just take a nice long vacation. What a thrill to hear that if you have been busting your butt to get the guy elected with the hope of picking up some table scraps if he makes it. He says he might take an extended vacation at Mar-a-Lago with daily golf and any other amenities he can think of. That’s dandy but what will Katrina Pierson do, she is the stone-faced lady who appears periodically in an attempt to clean up his comments. If Trump loses, or drops out, Ms. Pierson will be not only unemployed but probably unemployable.
Hillary Clinton just sits quietly by like a cat surveying her domain. She has no need to do anything because Trump is self-destructing before her eyes. He has declared that if he doesn’t win Pennsylvania, where he is now significantly behind Clinton, it will mean that the election has been stolen. The man cannot understand that turning out ten thousand supporters for a rally does not mean that he will win even a majority of the 3.1 million registered Republican voters…nor does he realize that there are a million more registered Democrats than there are

registered Republicans in Pennsylvania. It is a lesson he will eventually learn.

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