Tuesday, August 23, 2016

2016 August 23rd

There has been a change in the Trump campaign and Kellyanne Conway is responsible for it. You may remember that Trump told us, not so long ago, that there would be deportation squads sent around to ferret out illegal aliens and their children and send all 11 million of them back where they came from. That may now have changed. When asked about Trump’s current plans for dealing with illegal aliens Kellyanne said that was “to be discussed;” shorthand for saying “I haven’t a clue.”
There was supposed to be a speech clarifying this issue next Thursday but that has been cancelled, as have the next two speeches after that. This sound more like the major parties are disagreeing over the course to take than a simple inability to produce a reasonable plan. Certainly the major players at Trump headquarters are not strangers to internecine warfare; have at it boys and girls.

A possible explanation emerges from the roundtable at Trump Tower. This was a gathering of prominent Latinos to have a confab with The Donald about his attitudes toward people of this ethnicity. There is no way that Trump would refer to Mexican’s crossing illegally into the United States, as “drug dealers, murderers, rapists and some, perhaps, are good people.” This isn’t because Trump has changed his mind about immigrants; it is because Trump is fully addicted to saying whatever will get him the approval of the crowd he is talking to at the moment. The result is that he will do nothing to upset the Latinos who were listening to him.
Maybe Kellyanne is bright enough to figure if she can just get Trump to talk to some of these groups he despises, she can get him to publicly modify his stance toward them. Who knows, maybe he’ll have a roundtable of Muslims next. One thing is certain; there are changes trying to bubble up in Trumpville.

Secretary Clinton’s health has become an issue. If you watch Rudy Giuliani  go into spasm when he mentions Clinton’s health you worry about a potential stroke on camera. In a futile attempt to provide information to stop the rumors of her imminent demise, Clinton’s long time physician produced a two-page report giving some of her health details. That didn’t work. (When President Obama produced his birth certificate did that stop the “He was born in Kenya” conspiracy theorists?)
Out of the Fox woodwork has emerged “Dr. Drew” Pinsky ready and able to make a fool of himself. Dr. Pinsky is a real M.D. and a board certified internist. He has decided that Hillary Clinton’s health is precarious and that she is just not getting the best medical care. He has come to this decision, not by examining Mrs. Clinton but by reading the two-page report about her health written by her own physician. He has voiced very specific concerns about the treatment Mr. Clinton is receiving for some minor chronic ailments. His concerns, while important enough for him to publicize them, have not been important enough for him to get in touch with Mrs. Clinton’s physician, or with Mrs. Clinton, to discuss the matter.
Pinsky’s willingness to diagnose Mrs. Clinton’s medical issues without the benefit of an examination has brought a comment from Newt Gingrich, who is not a notable Clinton supporter, Gingrich writes: Well, first of all, just to get down to a human level for a second, all of us ought to include Hillary Clinton in our prayers. You can be opposed to somebody without hoping that they have bad health, and I hope that she's all right. Second, I'm always dubious, with all due respect to television doctors, when you have a doctor who has never seen the patient, begin to give you a complicated, fancy sounding analysis based on what? I mean, I would be very cautious and I would recommend to doctors for professional reasons to be very cautious deciding you're gonna start analyzing people.”
Will this give Pinsky, or Giuliani pause? Not a chance!

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