Tuesday, August 30, 2016

2016 August 30th

While I am no fan of Donald Trump, readers of this blog will note that I have made no ad hominem attacks against him.  When he is attacked, either ad hominem or on issues of policy, I do admire the well-crafted product.
 Kathleen Parker, a columnist, has in this morning’s Record-Eagle, eviscerated Mr. Trump and then flayed the remains for good measure. I will quote just a smidgen of her excellent takedown. She begins, “Donald Trump. Would that it were unnecessary to mention his name except, say, as a Viagra pitchman.” Then, “But the enchanted evening Republicans fantasized when they nominated the biggest goofball ever to enter the Oval Office sweepstake is over. The clock has struck midnight, the carriage is ablaze, the golden haired prince is a bloated chimneysweep ranting at rooftops. The party’s footmen, blind mice begging for scraps of mercy, scatter in search of cover.” Now that skewering would be notable coming from a left leaning liberal, but Kathleen Parker is no flaming libtard. Ms. Parker seems to be very nearly a centrist.  It has become increasingly hard to find women who support Donald Trump, except within the small, tight circle of his paid surrogates and, of course, the folks at Fox.

Trump is now appealing to a broader audience, or, at least he trying to appeal to a broader audience. Either he is ignoring the advice of his advisors or the advisors should be fired. He appeals to Latino and African Americans by inviting them to come up and visit with him in his sanctuary at Trump Tower. It might occur to these political wizards that the minority group members who take advantage of Trump’s invitation are probably not a randomly selected group of the particular minority of which they are members. No matter, it makes for great theater; we have a camera pan the large group of minority members with Trump seated prominently in front of the camera. Each place has its own personal bottle of water in evidence. Could that be from the Trump bottled water works? Why not? Could he write that off as a business expense? You betcha!

The latest Trump Ha, Ha, is his plea for African Americans to vote Republican because by voting for Democrats African Americans have gained nothing. He claims they cannot even walk down the street without getting shot. He claims this is all because of the inept Democrats for whom the African Americans have voted. Trump and his advisors do not realize that in the black communities to which he is making this pitch, the Democratic politicians, the police chiefs, the mayors, the prosecuting attorneys and most all of the elected officials are black. Trump is appealing for the black vote by declaring that black officials elected by the black community are not competent to do their jobs. What a splendid way to win over minorities.

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