Sunday, September 11, 2016

2016 Sept 11th

Today is the fifteenth anniversary of the attack on the twin towers. This was the worst attack in our history and with more casualties than we endured at Pearl Harbor. There were 2403 Pearl Harbor casualties and 2990 immediate casualties from the 9/11 attacks. Many people died from the effects of the 9/11 attacks who were not killed on 9/11.
The attack had some beneficial effects: NYC became a different and more helpful place. That still exists in some quarters but not in all sections. Mayor Giuliani’s actions on the following few days from 9/11 earned him the title “America’s Mayor;” watch him on TV now and he has become a loud-mouthed thug.

The enemy attacking Pearl Harbor was obvious; after the attack on 9/11, they weren't nearly as clear. There were 19 attackers on 9/11 and 15 of them were Saudi citizens. Was the Saudi government behind the attack? Perhaps not directly in the sense that they provided financing for it, although whether they did that or not remains problematical. They were certainly responsible indirectly by creating Madrassa promoting Wahhabism. Wahhabism is an extreme form of Islam and devoted to Sharia law. That’s the code that require mutilation as the punishment for various offense and is the law of the land in Saudi Arabia. Schooling the 9/11 attackers in Saudi Madrassa guarantees that they will want to destroy Christians and that is just what they did… and they destroyed some moderate Muslims as well.
The irony here is that westerners, Christians, have been buying the Saudi oil and their purchases then fund the Madrassa that have as their purpose the killing of Christians as well as moderate Muslims.

The Saudis are starting Wahhabi Madrassa in Pakistan too. In 1956 there were 240 Madrassa in Pakistan; now, thanks to Saudi money from their oil sales, there are 24 thousand Madrassa in Pakistan, a hundred fold increase. We put in soldiers and they put in Madrassa; who do you think will win?
The Saudi’s don’t stop with Pakistan. They are funding their schools in Bosnia as well. There is the “King Fahd Cultural Center” designed to bring the delights of extreme Sharia law to Sarajevo in Bosnia. Hey folks your oil dollars are hard at work and their influence is spreading.

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