Friday, September 23, 2016

2016 Sept 24rd

I’ll begin with a follow-up on something I wrote about yesterday. Kathy Miller, a county chairperson for Trump in Ohio said that there had been no racism before Obama became President. As I said yesterday, that was too much for even the redoubtable Kellyanne Conway to massage away so Ms. Miller had to resign. The event was described today when the Trump campaign commented that Miller’s comment was “inappropriate.” Think about that for a minute; this woman says that there was no racism in this country until Obama became president and then the Trump campaign says her comment was “inappropriate,” not that it was wrong, or that it was false, or that it was ridiculous, but that it was “inappropriate.” Now that’s being politically correct at the cost of being absurd.

Dr. Thomas Sowell, in his column this morning, tells us that deciding for whom to vote puts him in a predicament. He then outlines several common lies and misunderstandings about the Clinton/Obama record. We’ve seen these before but they keep reappearing. Consider this Sowell statement about Clinton, “The most obvious example (of catastrophic decisions) is the decision to undermine and help destroy the governments of two nations—Egypt and Libya—that were no threat whatever to America or to American interests.”
In 1986 a bomb was planted in a Berlin disco that killed two American GIs and injured over 200 other people. Once German re-unification occurred and Stasi files were opened the event was traced to a Libyan agent….but Sowell believes Libya and Khadafy posed no threat to American interests.
Two years later in December 1988 Pan Am 103 on a transatlantic flight to Detroit was blown out of the sky over Lockerbie Scotland killing 259 people on the plane and 11 on the ground. A Libyan agent was convicted of planting the bomb. He was later released from prison on compassionate grounds and returned to a hero’s welcome in Libya…. but Sowell believes Libya and Khadafy posed no threat to American interests.

Then Sowell tells us that the Obama administration, “Against the advice of top military leaders, …began pulling troops out of Iraq.” Apparently Sowell has never heard of The Status of Forces Agreement (SOF). This agreement with the Iraqi government was signed by G. W. Bush in 2008, before President Obama was elected, and it committed us to withdraw all American troops by December 31, 2011. Of course President Obama could have ignored the agreement made by his predecessor, incurred another thousand or so casualties, and presumably received Thomas Sowell’s approval. I’m glad he didn’t.
Sowell also tells us that Mrs. Clinton, “Has repeatedly pushed the idea that blacks are besieged by enemies on all sides and need her to protect them…” But this line of chat is pure Trump. Surely even Sowell can recall Trump telling a black audience what awful conditions they live in, then asking for their vote by bellowing at them, “Whaddaya got to lose?

If Trump is elected we’ll all find that out.

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