Monday, September 5, 2016

2016 Sept 5th

This is Labor Day and is the usual date given for the beginning of the presidential campaign. Isn’t that silly? Many are now claiming that it is already too late for Donald Trump to turn around his insults and make nice to minorities. In this case the “many” are probably right. The polls are tightening and the Trumpian surrogates are picking from among the polls for those showing the biggest gains for “Mr. Trump.” Alex Castellanos has even found one where Trump is ahead in Ohio. I’ll bet he gets a bonus for that finding. The Trump plane and the Clinton plane were parked on the same tarmac in Ohio. I don’t think they spoke or acknowledged each other in any way. So sad!

Trump has become quite agitated by Arizona’s Senator Flake, even to the point of sending off belittling tweets with the usual name calling that for Trump passes for substantive criticism. Flake hasn’t endorsed Trump and for Trump that is a casus belli. Let’s face it, if your last name is Flake and you can get still elected to the US senate you have some considerable political smarts. Arizona has a sizable Latino population and Donald Trump does not favorably impress them, nor are they likely to be impressed by anyone supporting him. Moreover, Senator Flake was one of that infamous “Gang of Eight,” a bipartisan group of eight senators who tried to find a way to citizenship for undocumented residents. You can see why there would be sparks between Trump and Flake. In this contretemps Flake has much to gain and Trump has nothing to gain except, possibly, some salve for his easily bruised ego. Trump wasting his time on this pettiness surely delights the Clinton people.
Trump must feel that if Senator Flake of Arizona, a state where he made a major address on immigration, does not support him then to ignore that slight is to admit to being a “loser.” For Donald Trump being a loser is the worst condition imaginable, and he should know because he has been a loser often enough.
We begin with the Central Park Five, a group of hoodlums who terrorized people in central park and were arrested for the murder of a woman jogger.  Trump paid over 80 thousand dollars for a full page ad claiming that they were guilty of that murder and they should be executed. While they had much to answer for, it was proved that they were not guilty of that murder. Trump was a loser.
Then his Atlantic City gambling empire was Trump Plaza and Resort. It has closed and was a business failure. Trump was a loser again.
Trump University, is now closed and those students are suing Trump for fraud. Trump was a loser there too.
Other examples can easily be found. The biggie is the money Trump owes to China. One of his properties is financed in part by a loan from the Bank of China to the tune of 950 million dollars.  Oh dear, is Trump a loser to China too?

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