Wednesday, September 28, 2016

2016 Sept 28th

Donald Trump has not helped himself with women voters given his disgusting rant against a Miss Universe winner who gained weight after winning her title. Trump felt is necessary to “fat shame” her by calling her “Miss Piggy” and even bringing TV cameras into a gym to photograph her working out. Ah, but the pro-Trump people on “Twitchy” have managed to cite various events over the last twenty years that they believe justify whatever insults Trump could possibly throw at this woman.
A poll of CNN responders show that more than 80 percent believe Trump’s comments were out of line and 17 percent believe they weren’t. The folks manning “Twitchy,” and this 17 percent, are the same people who would stay with Trump if he shot someone in front of witnesses on Fifth Avenue.

A town hall of previously undecided voters were queried after the debate. Most of them believed that Clinton was the victor but none of them had changed to become a supporter of either candidate.  So then, what’s the point of all this? Maybe as Macbeth says, “ It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury signifying nothing.”  He is right about the tale, but the idiots telling the tale are interesting. 
Governor Dean has come in for much scorn from the cognoscenti on Morning Joe. He has suggested that the Donald is showing some of the symptoms of cocaine addiction. Trump’s continual sniffing during the debate would suggest that. The Morning Joe leaders, ever looking for an opportunity for outrage, claimed he was diagnosing Trump as a cocaine addict. That is nonsense of course. Dean simply pointed out, quite correctly that Trump showed some of the symptoms associated with cocaine addiction. He was not making a diagnosis.

There is no doubt that Trump has a number of unique personality traits. He is the quintessential alpha male, no challenge, however trivial can go without a response. His response to women is more appropriate for a primitive than for a civilized male. There is no doubt that within the next twenty years he will provide ammunition for a host of dissertations from various graduate departments ranging from political science to sociology and psychology. Once the election has been decided there will also be more books analyzing this peculiar Trump phenomenon.

A self-described multi-billionaire who admits that he pays no income tax because he is just too smart to do that believes that attitude will help him become President of the United States.

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