Saturday, December 17, 2016

2016 Dec 17th

Our new President-elect (assuming the Electoral College does not surprise us) is busy appointing cabinet heads. Many of these have previously claimed they are eager to demolish, or at least diminish, the departments they will now supervise. Government will surely contract.
Governor Rick Perry of Texas has been nominated to be Secretary of Energy. Some time ago the governor gained fame in a debate by trying to name federal departments he would abolish if he became president. There were three departments altogether, but that number overburdened the governor who could name only two, forgetting the Department of Energy which he soon will head. Perhaps his delightful performance of the  “Cha, cha, cha” on “Dancing with the Stars” is also what brought him to Trump’s attention. Perhaps Trump has an affinity for those who also love to perform in front of an audience.
 Trump claims a desire to “bring the country together” but there is little evidence that he is doing it. He has appointed Congressman Tom Price to head the Department of Health and Human Services. Price, many years ago, practiced medicine as an orthopedic surgeon. His record in congress has been to vote for bills that decreases or defund health care. He is virulently opposed to Planned Parenthood and claims that there are no women so poor that they cannot afford birth control.
Consider this trio of potential public servants: Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, whose goal is to privatize public education, not improve it.  Secretary of Energy Rick Perry who wants to take restrictions off coal combustion and remove other regulations protecting breathable air and drinkable water.  Secretary of Health and Human Services Tom Price whose Hippocratic oath begins with “First do no harm…” who never-the-less can’t wait to gut health care particularly for poor people. He plans to reduce funds for Medicaid and provide “Medical Savings Accounts” which allow earnings to be set aside tax free to pay health care costs…but if you are unemployed, then what? Then you’ll get 3 thousand dollars from the government to buy your own insurance and if you’re 75 years old with congestive heart failure…then what?

These folks don’t have to worry about enough money. Betsy DeVos is worth about 5 billion dollars, some of which which she uses to convince legislators that her educational ideas are best.  Neither Congressman Price nor any of his immediate relatives will ever need Medicaid. He is worth between ten and fifteen million dollars. Rick Perry is the poor boy in this crowd. His stash amounts to only three to four million, but hey, that’s enough for air purifiers if his family needs them.

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