Friday, December 23, 2016

2016 Dec 23rd

Patrick J. Buchanan (PJB) presents his views of the recent election, particularly on Putin and Russia’s involvement in it, or in Buchanan’s estimation non-involvement, in it. He begins by asserting that, “The never Trumpers are never going to surrender the myth that Vladimir Putin ordered the hacking…to defeat Hillary Clinton and elect Donald Trump.”
Who says that Putin and Russia were involved in hacking into private emails and then handing them to WikiLeaks? The authors are the Central Intelligence Agency, and now the Federal Bureau of Investigation has joined them. Buchanan, however calls that a myth. He is joining Trump’s bromance with Putin because Putin is well known to have America’s best interests at heart, unlike the FBI and the CIA.
(The CIA was criticized by Trump and friends because they claimed the CIA authored the false story about Iraq’s “weapons of mass destruction.” In fact the CIA sent Ambassador Joe Wilson to Niger to find out if “yellowcake” a slightly processed uranium ore, had been exported to Iraq. It had not been and Wilson reported that infuriating Cheney and company. Robert Novak a right wing columnist, was so angry that he blew the cover on Joe Wilson’s wife Valerie Plame who had been a CIA clandestine operative, ending her career.)

Now Buchanan has claimed that the suggestion of Russian interference in our election is just a ruse to diminish Trump’s improbable win; after all if he had Russia’s help to win, then maybe the hated “Putin’s Puppet” title does fit.
Buchanan begins to refer to the “war party.” He writes, “If the War Party can convert this “fake story” into the real story of 2016 then they can scuttle any Trump effort to attain rapprochement with Russia…” So which is this “War Party?” It appears to be any Republicans or Democrats who are not happy to kowtow to the Kremlin.  Suggesting an Investigation of Russia’s interference in our election immediately places you in this new “War Party.”

Just today, Buchanan’s ambassador for peace, Donald J. Trump. is ramping up the nuclear arms race. He commented to Mika Brzezinski on “Morning Joe,” he said: "Let it be an arms race. We will outmatch them at every pass and outlast them all." He said that well after Buchanan had written his commentary on the “War Party.” Poor Buchanan, how do you suppose he will handle this eruption from his hero?

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